Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Backpacking in Singapore

Well, I'm not actually bacpacking. You can say that this is a semi-backpack traveling. Me and my friend Sarah stayed at a backpacker hostel but I don't use any backpack, I use a "koper tarik ala pramugari" instead and still do some shopping (heehee). But yeah, this is the 1st time I managed my own traveling schedule, searched the budget backpacker hostel myself, searched the cheapest plane tickets myself. All free time... All mine :-D

So I stayed at City Backpacker hostel in Kallang, only Sin$15/bed/night in a mixed male-female dorm. At 1st I was a little bit scared, since this is my 1st time staying at a backpacker hostel and I'm just traveling with my girl friend Sarah, just the two of us. No boys, just us the "two little city girl". But it actually not that bad. I really recommended this hostel, the owner is very nice and helpful and the place is very clean. We shared 8 bed a room, with surprisingly most girls in the room. They just run the bussines for a month, so the place is still brand new, and they got free internet and free coffee available. Simply check their website www.citybackpackers.com.sg (kok gw malah promosi?)

However, Sarah and I have experianced a scary moment. So when we got off the MRT Kallang station around 11 PM, there were two tattooed scary big guys staring at us and watching us. Sarah noticed this, and we fastened our steps back to our hostels. And guess what, they're following us! Highly aware of everything bad that might happen, we ran to the enterance door. We're save. For now... (Gee... Gosh...) Tomorrow we won't come home late for sure...

Anyway, tomorrow's plan is browsing the collonial distcrict of Singapore, Orchard Road, and Chinatown. It'll take a whole day. Gotta sleep now, and the day after is the big day, the day why we've been planning for the trip to Singapore. "THE" concert. Cheers!


Saturday, July 28, 2007


Pertama-tama, saya hanya mau bilang. Saya sudah lulus teman-teman... terimakasih atas doa dan dukungannya selama ini. No more "Curhatan Skripsi", Hehehe

Kedua, saya juga mau bilang. Untuk dia yang pasti sudah tau siapa yang dituju. "Gue sekarang bahagia, dan gue juga berharap elo juga bahagia. Itu aja yang lo perlu tau. Tolong, jangan ngungkit yang kemaren-kemaren lagi. Semua gue anggep selesai. Karena kalo diungkit terus, cuma akan menyulut api. Kita sama-sama tau kan kita ini seperti apa... So please, be rational... I don't hate you, I just don't want the preassure anymore".

Ketiga, saya mau bagi peluk cium untuk semuaaaa......



Tuesday, July 24, 2007

doakan saya yah teman-teman...

tanggal 26 juli 2007 tepatnya
di ruang 5108
jam 13.00-14.00

itulah jadwal ujian akhir yg menentukan apakah saya layak jadi sarjana atau tidak. tulisan saya yg "nyampah" setebel 180 hln quarto itu layak disebut penelitian keren atau biasa aja akan bergantung pada saat2 itu. doakan saya yahh... (membungkuk-bungkuk)

nggak kok... gue nggak stress... nyantai bgt malah sekarang... mungkin krn pengen buru2 selesai biar bisa memulai yg baru lagi, kuliah lagi...hehehe...


Thursday, July 19, 2007

gila dan jenius memang tipis bedanya...

Borderline:Very High
Histrionic:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --


Borderline personality disorder is characterized by mood instability and poor self-image. People with this disorder are prone to constant mood swings and bouts of anger. Often, they will take their anger out on themselves, causing injury to their own body. Suicidal threats and actions are not uncommon. Borderlines think in very black and white terms and often form intense, conflict-ridden relationships. They are quick to anger when their expectations are not met.

Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder:

  • Self-injury or attempted suicide
  • Strong feelings of anger, anxiety, or depression that last for several hours
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Feelings of low self-worth
  • Unstable relationships with friends, family, and boyfriends/girlfriends

Additional Information:

Borderline personality disorder was so-named because it was originally thought to be at the "borderline" of psychosis. The disorder is relatively common, affecting 2% of adults. Women are much more likely to suffer borderline than men. Nearly 20% of psychiatric hospitalizations are due to borderline. With treatment, patients are often able to see their symptoms improve.

Treatment involves therapy in which the patient learns to talk through his or her feelings rather than unleashing them in destructive and self-defeating ways. Medication may be helpful, and treatment of any alcohol or substance abuse issues is required. Brief hospitalization is sometimes required, especially in cases involving psychotic episodes or suicide threats or attempts.


Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by self-centeredness. Like histrionic disorder, people with this disorder seek attention and praise. They exaggerate their achievements, expecting others to recongize them as being superior. They tend to be choosy about picking friends, since they believe that not just anyone is worthy of being their friend. Narcissists tend to make good first impressions, yet have difficulty maintaining long-lasting relationships. They are generally uninterested in the feelings of others and may take advantage of them.

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

  • Requires excessive praise and admiration
  • Takes advantage of others
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Lack of empathy
  • Lying, to self and others
  • Obsessed with fantasies of fame, power, or beauty

Additional Information:

Narcissism is most often found in men and is often diagnosed with other mental disorders.


People with histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers. They need to be the center of attention all the time, often interrupting others in order to dominate the conversation. They use grandiose language to discribe everyday events and seek constant praise. They may dress provacatively or exaggerate illnesses in order to gain attention. Histrionics also tend to exaggerate friendships and relationships, believing that everyone loves them. They are often manipulative.

Symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder:

  • Needs to be the center of attention
  • Dresses or acts provocatively
  • Rapidly-shifting and shallow emotions
  • Exaggerates friendships
  • Overly-dramatic, occassionally theatrical speech
  • easily influenced; highly suggestible


While Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder (OCDP) sounds similar in name to obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder, the two are markedly different disorders. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are overly focused on orderliness and perfection. Their need to do everything "right" often interferes with their productivity. They tend to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture. They set unreasonably high standards for themselves and others, and tend to be very critical of others when they do not live up to these high standards. They avoid working in teams, believing others to be too careless or incompetent. They avoid making decisions because they fear making mistakes and are rarely generous with their time or money. They often have difficulty expressing emotion.

Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder:

  • Need for perfection and excessive discipline
  • Preoccupation with orderliness
  • Inflexibility
  • Lack of generosity
  • Hyper-focus on details and rules
  • Excessive devotion to work


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

saat ini

rasanya seperti gulali tumpah dimana mana...

Saturday, July 14, 2007


mari, mari...
biarkan saja dia mendengar
ledakkan-ledakkan waktu ini sungguh tak tertahankan
kau menamparku kembali dengan sapuan-sapuan hijan yang tak kasat mata
sehingga dinginmu menusukku
sehingga hangatmu memelukku

datang dan rasakan nyeri membiru
karena abu-abu tercantik sudah menyatu bersama kekal
dan sisa-sisa bola yang padam terasing di sudut sebuah ruang

aku tidak membutuhkan waktu
yang kubutuhkan hanyalah sepercik ruang kosong
dimana aku dapat tenang
dan terdiam

lenyapkan kupu-kupu itu
cukup kita pandangi kunang-kunang yang mulai kehilangan cahayanya
karena di ruang ini sesaat lagi aku akan menghilang


Thursday, July 12, 2007

sexual horoscope? hihihiiiiiii.... maybe it will help someone in need... indeed! taken from http://www.ukindia.com/zip2/page1.htm



Aries women : Wildly sensual, passionate and adventurous. You'll have sex anywhere, anytime, you know what you want and need- intense and frequent sex, you have a need for control, but you also have to feel love. As a mate, you are ardent, loyal, sentimental, and earthly. Likes the tickle of a man's facial fuzz. Best sex mate: Aries, Taurus and Leo.

Aries men : Sleeping with him is like playing croquet with live bombs-you never know what is going to happen! Never expect him to wait for you to be ready - he will rip your clothes off if he is ready to go. Don't tease him or you better be ready to deliver. Fond of slave master games and he likes it rough. Aries men are also explorers, so be ready to go where no woman has gone before.


Taurus women : Color You expect your man to be kind and patient and make love to you by the book. Like to be pleased by sex, but don't look for unusual approaches. But you are a demanding lover and you leave your partner breathless. You have a need for oral gratification, both giving and receiving. Best sex mates: Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Leo. most likely kink: sucking on your toes, one by one. You also like biting.

Taurus men : He is the ideal lover - sensitive and understanding of his partner's feelings. He prefers it slow and easy, he won't be your guide to the exotic unknown, but what he does, he does beautifully. This is the guy to go to for long and luxurious oral sex. Stamina? This man could wear down a glacier! His erogenous zone: gently and slowly kiss and bite the back of his neck.


Gemini women : Often the aggressor, you are never embarrassed by your behavior because you never adhere to any standards except your own main requirement: a lover who knows how to take his time. You are a one woman harem, but a partner should be aware that in a relationship, the gemini woman is looking for a combination of the spiritual and the physical, the romantic and the practical. You want to talk to the guy after you tumble with him! Best sex mates are Leo, Scorpio, Aquarians, Libra, and Aries. Favorite gadget: the vibrator.

Gemini men : He likes it with the lights on in front of the mirror. He can work any partner into the mood because he knows exactly how to evoke the right responses. Oral sex isn't his favorite pastime, but he will take his time with other preliminaries. Tends to be fast and furious, more concerned with satisfying himself than his partner, but he is more adequate in areas of lovemaking that are often neglected by other men. He can tell a woman exactly what she wants to hear. His erogenous zone: move your lips and tongue lightly up his arm


Clasping and twining positions


Cancer women : Will never make the first move, but you can be a marvelous lover for you are capable of intense sensuality. You will reciprocate passion with a fervor that will stir his heart and stimulate him to his best performance. On your own time, you have a fondness for masturbation. Your favorite position: lying prone while your man enters you from behind. Best sex mates: Taurus, Leo,Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. You may become a slave to sexual pleasure!

Cancer men : His most surprising technique: intercourse with no hands. He has a need for constant encouragement and if gotten, he will be a delightful swain. Both patient and aggressive, he will often begin somewhere other than the bed,he likes being in command, and is a master at manual clitoral manipulation! You'll like the trip as much as arriving at the destination.


Leo women : Sleek, lascivious, enticing and lazy! Whatever Leo wants, Leo gets! Intensely responsive and there are bed partners who have scars to prove it. Your need to show off leads you to prefer the top where he can look up and admire the beauty of your body. Best sexmates: Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Sagitarius. Your sexual wardrobe: full of wispy cut-out bras and panties!

Leo men : Simply brushes aside rules and conventions. One important rule to remember about him: NEVER tease. His endurance is remarkable and he has a great appetite for making love. He likes women in the submissive position and oral sex is okay only when he is on the receiving end. He likes a woman to show how much she is enjoying it. His erogenous zone: his back is particularly vulnerable


Virgo women : You have no illusions about sex and wish everyone would stop magnifying its importance. Prefer men who will wait for the relationship to develop to the point where sex is inevitable. You love mutual masturbation and enjoy a little punishment, and your grace and modesty is a great turn on. You become an artist at pleasing your lover. Favorite kink: can't truly enjoy it unless a third party is present. Best sex mates: Gemini, Cancer and Aquarians

Virgo men : Too shy to make an overture, but when the moment arrives, you had better be prepared for him to bring his pajamas, shaving equipment and toothbrush. He likes to talk about how you like it and having talked about it, he will key in on the right erotic response. Don't expect imagination, but he is a hard worker and is open to suggestion. His secret life: can be obsessed with pornography. Erogenous zone: his buttocks

Seducing a woman requires that he enjoys that woman for some time before looking at another.


Libra women : Drama is the key word - you set the stage for sex. Intensely feminine and an instinctive exhibitionist. You feel your body was made to be seen and admired. Feel that seduction is an art, not an assault. When approached the right way, you find it easy to say yes to almost anything. Unusual control of vaginal muscles. Best sex mates: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagitarius, and Aquarius. Like any position where your buttocks are exposed

Libra men : Looks for the whole experience, not just a tumble between the sheets. Has a definite kinky side, a voyeur and fond of the menage a trois. He has the patience needed to satisfy. He likes women who dress well and have long hair. If a woman's clothes look as though they are easily removed, he finds her hard to ignore. Erogenous zone: back andbuttocks, especially the feel of erect nipples against either of them!


Scorpio women : Inquisitive, searching and experimental. Knows that eroticism consists of more than the physical act of lovemaking. While looking like a perfectly lady in public, you dress and behave like a whore in the bedroom. Control of the orgasm is very important and will try anything to help your man maintain his potency. You never take no for an answer and when interested in someone, you will pursue him with determination and guile. Best sex mates: Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Props you love: scented body oils, flavored lubricating gels and vibrators.

Scorpio men : A lustful, sexy animal. Enjoys biting and sucking and is a master of oral sex. Inflicting pain turns him on so he may pinch at nipples or the insides of thighs. Likes it in the water, but his kink is that he prefers wood tables and hard floors to satin and silk. His erogenous zone is his genetalia.


Sagitarius women : You like the outdoors - freaking out if you are tent, camper or on the beach. You enjoy sex, but you don't like to prolong the preliminaries and want to start the main show as soon possible. Like to tease your partner to the point of losing control. You don't mind if your man comes too quickly - you are a generous and accepting lover. Best sex mates: Leo, Libra andAquarius. Your sexual wardrobe will consist of accessories - gloves and shoes!

Sagitarius men : Sex is an intense experience with him - he seldom comes too quickly and he'll be the first to try a new position. He is the master of erotic massage - both oral and manual. His tongue can be a wicked instrument and when combined with his lips, creates an explosive affect! Erogenous zones: hips and thighs. And he likes to look at a woman's calves and thighs and likes to have sex with a woman in stockings.

Fondling the breasts a precursor of success in the science of love and seduction


Capricorn women : Don't need much foreplay - you go from zero to WOW in nothing flat! Not interested in in exotic variation, only in staying power. Since you like to dominate, you like to be astride your man, set a rhythm and please yourself. Once into the rhythm, lovemaking becomes a wild contest with orgasm as the prize and you can depend on getting there more than once. Also a scratcher and a screamer. Best sex mates: Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces.

Capricorn men : Sex evokes the best he can offer. He is a planner and a schemer. Prefers a woman who knows what he enjoys and he expects her to be willing and ready whenever he wants her. Has the stamina of a marathon runner. Here is the man who will hold off until you are ready to scream! Erogenous zone: a massage the starts at the lower back and gently strokes upward along the sides of his spine.


Aquarius women : A slow started, you idealize love and encompass it with tenderness. Once aroused though, anything goes! extremely imaginative and like trying new things. There is nothing in any sex manual that you won'ttry. Belief that anything that increases the pleasure for your partner is worthwhile. Best sex mates: Aries, Gemini, Libra Sagitarius and Aquarius. Favorite sex position: standing up, and in water.

Aquarius men : Never treats a woman like a sex object and prefers a variety of foreplay before getting down to it. May have be to revved up, but once his engine is started, he is free and inventive with amazing persistence. He will always see you through to climax. A womanwho knows what she wants will be very happy. He usually ensures an orgasm twice - once orally and once genitally. Erogenous zones: gently touching the calves and ankles will get him going. Be careful though - a kinky Aquarian can be a sadist who
doesn't like to be denied!


Pisces women : Always make the right moves, say the right things and create the right ambiance. You are sexually liberated and enjoy a wide range of eroticism. If his fantasies coincide with yours, the action can really get torrid!. You seldom say no to anything your lover suggests! Favorite place:in a waterbed or hot tub. Best sexmates: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Pisces men : Takes the lead in lovemaking and impatient if he doesn't get a swift response. Indifferent to sexual restrictions, both moral and legal, prefers a partner with a tremendous sexual craving. Likes sex in a chair. He likes to be submissive. Becomes an addict to anything that will give pleasure and release. Erogenous zone: massaging and caressing his feet.

uuuuhhhhh!!!! (curhatan seputar skripsi lagi...)

reference system.... malaaaasss!!!
fuk fuk fuk!!!
pengen cepat cepat liburan nihhhhh.....


True Friend Test - Who Truly Knows You?

teman teman... coba deh klik ini.... hihihi

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

seminggu lagi nih...

kurang lebih seminggu lagi saya sidang
doakan yah teman-teman
setelah itu gue pengangguran deh (kl lulus)
errmm.. setelah itu...
saya akan mencari hal-hal menyenangkan, hihihihihihihihiiiii...
bebaaas!! bebaaass!!! bebas merdeka!!! *lari-lari keliling lapangan sendirian...*

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

my old loving blog

sebelom pindah ke multiply, gue bernaung di bawah blogspot yg umurnya udah 2 thn krn entah kenapa blogspot jd lemot dan multiply jd lebing menyenangkan... I miss my blogspot...

mari, silahkan lihat2 kenangan saya yg sudah lampau ini...


it's been a while....

...since my last shopping time!

wanna buy new shoes... wanna buy new shoes.... *excited*

wanna buy new sexy top, too... wanna look pretty!!!

"being a hippie" mode: OFF
"learning to be fashionista" mode: ON


skinny thera

kok saya tidak pede dengan penampilan saya yhaaa?

kuruuuuss skali...
kaka dan ipar gw mau membiasakan ponakan gw si michelle buat manggil gw dengan nama "skinny auntie"... nyokap gw tiap hari mandang gw dengan tatapan pathetic dan bilang gw kurus kayak "biting". bokap gue bolak balik nyuruh gue makan... karena takut gw sakit... sangking kurusnya tubuh ini... er, tidak terhitung jumlah teman2 dekat yg sudah kenal gue bertahun2... semuanya pasti ngomong "gileee... kurus banget loe, ther! iihh...."

berat badan 40kg. tinggi 161cm. I look like an anorexic, bulimic, all those eating disorder freak.... It's not like I'm not trying to get fat! gue udah coba segalamacem dari mulai multivitamin, madu, penambah napsu makan, sampe susu weight gain... tp gak ngaruh!!!! Plg cuma nambah 1 atau 2 kilo trus yah begini lagi, pdhl udah keluar duit banyak!!! I wish to gain 5kg!!! that's all!!! how this can be sooo hard!!!

But I'm okay for the fact that i can't get fat, maybe it's just the way I am... I'm really comfortable with myself.

But it's different when the people u care about are those who're mocking you around... looking at me pathetically, worrying, and keep telling me how skinny I am... stop it! mercy, please! it feels like a punishment for me! just because I can't get fat!

I fell sooooo.... unsexy, unpretty, un...whatever, right now!


Oh God, what should I do with my life?

Malam ini seperti malam-malam kemarin. tidak bisa tidur. insomnia akut datang lagi. mungkin gara2 terbiasa begadang sejak ngerjain skripsi, gw jd gini deh... yasudah lah... gue akhrnya menjalani hidup bagaikan kalong lagi, padahal sempat lho gw merasa ngantuk jam 10 malam, which is good... karena gue bisa bgn pagi dan bgn bagi bikin muka gue gak gampang keliatan tua. now, i have this black circle under my eyes. soo soo ugly... err... i know, lagi banyak yg wara wiri di pikiran gw saat ini, salah satunya adalah: WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY LIFE???

Dulu waktu SMP, SMA, dan kuliah, gue selalu tau gue harus ngapain, gimana, ke mana... gue selalu punya tujuan. Gw memutuskan masuk labs waktu SMP karena di labs ada kelas bahasa, dan emg udah gw incer. Dr kelas 1 pun gw juga udah ngincer pmdk biar gw bs masuk Ui tanpa harus spmb. Gue susun strategi dan berhasil. Kuliah, gue tau kalo gue pengen nulis skripsi (di kuliah gw ada dua jalur utk lulus: skripsi dan nonksripsi) dan gue udah pasang target buat lulus dengan IPK min 3,3. Sejauh ini ipk gw di atas itu... and I know that I should've been set higher target... I know what I can do and cannot do... api sekarang gue sadar kalo kecerdasan orang itu nggak bisa diukur dengan angka... jadi, semua nilai2 itu percuma, semua gelar, semua diploma, semua trophy I got from debating championship, dan semua sertifikat2 tkt nasional regional yg gue koleksi... Buat gue nggak ada gunanya, coz what have I learned from all that? what's it all about? Nothing.. it's just for the sake of pride.

Tapi sekarang apa. Gue bentar lg lulus. Gue mao ngapain, mao kemana, gimana. Kerja? What for? Life for work? money? materials matter? is it really important to get wealthy? Gue gak mao kerja 9to5 seperti kebanyakan org, bisa gila gw, dan gw gak mao jadi budak kapitalis, hehehe... msh idealis. Lebih baik jadi bos di perusahaan kecil milik sendiri dr pd jadi kacung di perusahaan gede. Tapi gue bingung, gw gak punya pengalaman bisnis... Apakah sebaiknya gue nyanyi aja seumur gue? is it really the passion of my life? I love singing. People've been telling me to sing, be a singer, they said I was born to sing. But singin for me was like an accident...gak sengaja iseng2, eh ternyata gue bisa nyanyi! Dan hal itu gue terusin sampe sekarang. Am I really ready to be a singer? The passion of my life is actually writing. I love to write since I've learned to read. Tp belakangan ini gue kehilangan hasrat dan percaya diri gue dari nulis... dan butuh waktu untuk bisa mengembalikannya lg... Should I teach? should I be a teacher? I believe that being a teacher should be for life, karena kita harus selalu share pengetahuan ke banyak orang, it's an obligation for everybody, semua org suatu saat pasti merasakan jd guru utk org lain. entah teman, anak, pacar, adik, kakak, dll dll dll. Apa gue kuliah lagi? tapi kenapa gue ragu ngambil langkah yg ini sekarang? gue takut gue nggak sanggup... I'm afraid I'm actually not that good enough for grad school... I'm afraid of failing, I've been successfull all my life and I'm not used to it. The imagination of failure freaks me out too...

Lalu apa? married? Beberapa temen ada yg udah married. Dan belakangan ini salah satu di antaranya curhat soal kehidupan rumah tangganya. Gile, blm married setahun dia udah curhat, katanya berantem mulu, padahal dulu semangat bener pengen marriednya... gue bener2 nggak ngerti.... I'm now in a state where marriage really freaks me out, I'm very afraid of it... gw inget sodara sepupu gw pernah bilang "marriage is just like gambling, u'll never know how your marriage turns out to be... You can be lucky if you have a nice husband, but you can be wrecked if you didn't. The one and only thing why I choose to marry is because I want a child, and i want it legally...". Waktu gue tanya kenapa, dia cuma bilang "Because I need a reason to live, by being a mother to my child".

Dan gue rasa itu bener... dan gue jadi pengen punya anak, terutama setelah gue punya keponakan. Bot now, but hopefully someday... Karena saat ini gue sedang ragu dengan semuanya...

Jadi sekarang gue harus ngapain dong? gue kehilangan tujuan hidup... this is why I cannot sleep at night lately... I've been thinking a lot...

Thera.. thera... thera... you're getting older but you're not getting wiser... I really need a break from all this stuff...


ponakan baru (huuuu, jd pengen punya jugaaaa...)

sudah sebulan ini rumah gue diramaikan oleh penghuni baru... yak.. inilah ponakan pertama gue, cewe, namanya michelle aulia nurraiqa, entah kenapa pnick name nya "ndul".... anak dr kaka gw aldi rangga bhumi dan ipar gue riza marissa. lahirnya tgl... errr, gw lupa hehe, bulan lalu deh pokoknya!

senangnya, gw jadi tante... dan setiap ngeliat anak ini... gue jadi pengen punya anak juga... i'm gonna be a cool mom someday! huhuhuuu... i really wan't to have a baby girl... hayo, siapa yg mao ngasiiihhh????

here her 16 days pics.... in pink (yea yea, sangat standar anak cewe dikasih pink. kl gw punya anak, entah cewe atau cowo, semuanya akan gue kasih kuning cerah, lembayung, atau hijau muda... biar adil dan gender gak didefinisi oleh warna. hehe...)


Sunday, July 08, 2007


tidak tidak terimakasih
cukup begini saja sudah menyenangkan untuk saya
jadi sudahlah...

that's it?

he's very hot... really...

tp ternyata....

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Ada yg ngerti ngambil cuplikan scene dr DVD?


adakah yg mengerti cara mengambil cuplikan gambar selama 10-30 detik dr DVD?

gue udah instal adobe premier 2.0, tp gw gaptek nih gak ngerti.....

trus.. gimana cara ngerubah format file VOB biar jadi video format yg gambarnya bisa diedit?

aduuuhhh gw gak ngerti sama sekali nih.... gaptek total... tolong.... gue butuh masukkin cuplikan gambar ini ke power point buat presentasi pas sidang nanti...

tolong yha!!! thx a lot!

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

gigi bungsu tumbuh di sebelah kanan bawah

tidak enak sekali rasanya
padahal tumbuhnya lurus2 saja
gusi  rasanya bengkak
sehingga seperti ada permet karet nyelip di rahang terdalam
tidak bisa nyanyi sementara ini... saya khawatir kalau sakit edan saat sidang skripsi.... nanti persentasinya gimana? mengguman2???



terinspirasi oleh sebuah blog dimana pemiliknya yg berkelamin perempuan menyatakan dengan terang terangnya bahwa dia memiliki kecenderungan untuk iri dengan laki-laki dan ingin memiliki penis (known as "penis-envy") gue jadi inget apa yg pernah dikatakan dosen feminis gw dan seorang aktivis feminis yg cukup dikenal, Bu Gadis Arivia:

"Freud bilang kita-kita ini (perempuan) penis-envy. Jadi... ingin memiliki penis atau menginginkan posisi sebagai laki-laki. Padahal, kalau dipikir-pikir... apakah kalian ingin memiliki penis?"

(Sebagian besar penghuni kelas dimana isinya 80% perempuan mengguman "eeww... noooo!!!")

"iya, iya... Freud ini memang aneh. Well, kalau penis sih sesekali dijadikan mainan... yah semacam cem-ceman sih nggak papa yhaa... tapi kalau benar-benar memilikinya??? ntar dulu deh..."

Whuahahaa.... Ibu Gadis Arifia... engkau lucu sekali....

Tentu saja dia tidak bermaskud menginterpretasikan kata-kata Freud as it is atau literally sih... (dr dulu Freud emg jadi musuhnya para feminis, hehe) karena penis-envy lebih mengarah pada salah satu bagian dalam perkembangan psikoseksual anak perempuan pada masa kecilnya (tanya anak psikologi, mereka lbh ngerti)Tapi lucu bgt yah gimana cara bu Gadis mengungkapkan ketidakinginannya atas posisi menjadi laki-laki... nyahaha...

Me? Penis-envy?
no thanks... they're cute sometimes, but i don't wanna own it... eeww...

hey boys, how about you guys? do you have womb envy?
we might not have penises but we do can get pregnant and give birth to a child, can you do that yourself? nyahnyahnyah...

hee hee, I'm just fooling around people, don't take it seriously...


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Skripsiiiiiiiiii Lagiiiiiiiiiii huahaha........ (Bosen gak sih loe baca blog gue???)

Setelah tiga rangkap skripsi draft 1 diberikan pada para penguji, penguji akan membalikkan kembali skripsi dengan beberapa catatan, lalu kami diberikan waktu satu minggu utk membenahinya sampai kemudian sidang beneran...
berikut ini adalah catatan tertulis dari salah satu dosen penguji, bu Retno.... hehehe

Skripsi Teraya Paramehta

(Siap grak....)

#1. It is not Fakultas Ilmu budaya.

(It's fakultas ilmu pengetahuan budaya, got it!)

#2. Do you translate everything from the internet? How do you get such an elaborate description? Almost without flaw, what book do you read?

(Err, can't u see I'm getting skinnier? It's because of the books I've read, mam! I made such an elaborate description because I surely know how to write... and I can analize quite well... There're lots of flaw actually, if you focus on some details... hehehe. I got the books, Mam. I bought it from amazon.com, God bless the internet huh? Wanna borrow it?)

#3. I don't feel it is a personal understanding. It is a download except that you make it in Indonesian.

(Wich part? The whole thesis? No, mam. It's completely my interpretation of the whole issues. As you can see written in footnote, I made this research since last year... I've even decided to do Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange long before the literary research method class. If you're talking about the lampiran of nadsat dictionary, yes, I downloaded it from the internet, because it's the official Nadsat dictionary, and I think translate it again into Indonesian is not necessary, it might change the basic concept of Nadsat)

#4. Do you actually watch the movie and read the novel?

(Err, again, can't you see I'm losing some weight? It's because I read the novel and watch the movie thousand times, sometimes I even passed my lunch and dinner times!!! I remember every detail of it!!! try me!)

It is different when you write idea by idea.

(Well, okay... I don't get what u mean by this, but, I'll try...)

Bab 3 harus diberi pengantar di paragraf pertama cakupan semua sub-titlesnya, begitu juga Bab 4.

(Each chapter should be able to be read independently, go it! Thx a lot, I need this kind of input!)

Tulisan kurang kendali, sebaiknya pakai subtitles yg diberi penjelasan, semacam rangkuman di awalnya...

(hohoho, okay. I realize that this is my major weakness... I tend to write with "stream of consciousness" style, even in academic writing... sampe lupa bikin subtitel...)

Hope you can do it. Good luck.


Jangan lupa bikin abstrak.


2 Juli 07

Special thanks buat Nosa dan Silka yg udah ngambilis skripsi gue karena gue berhalangan hadir gara2 mencr*t-mencr*t... dan mewakilkan kuping gue atas note2 dari Bu Retno. terimakasih juga buat Nosa dan Silka yg udah ngebelain gue, sehingga note kedua sampai empat (yg merupakan note didasari praduga tak bersalah sang dosen terhadap gue sebagai plagiator...) dicoret oleh sang dosen... hehehe.... I see that as a compliment, kalo gw disangka plagiat (of course I'm not! and I can proof it easily), dan pernyataan ibu yg disampaikan pada Silka dan Nosa "It's almost flawless... skripsi ini seperti thesis S2" (Mwahahahaaaaa...) Tinggal nunggu komentar dr Bu Melanie dan bu Susi...

In a way, gue happy... nggak nyangka Bu Retno akan menuduh gue plagiat (again, I see that as a compliment!!! seriously!!!) gara2 isinya menurut dia "almost without flaw" dan "sekelas thesis S2" karena gue sendiri sangat tidak pede dengan tulisan gue (kl dibandingin ama tulisannya Nosa dan Silka yg temanya keren bgt...), tp in a way, rada ngeri juga nih... pasti akan byk diserang saat sidang... :-(

Ayo Thera, revisi... revisi...

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get the three gets!!!

hidup kok susah yhaaa?

i need to get high

i need to get drunk

i need to get laid

ahhh... what the hell !!!!!!!


tidak habis habis rupanya kau bikin aku menangis
tidak dekat tidak jauh
tidak berstatus berstatus tidak
kau sungguh tidak mengerti apapun tentang aku
kau tidak tau apa yang ada dalam pikiranku
dan aku pun tidak berharap kau tahu
saat ini, tidak ada yang boleh tahu apa yang ada dipiranku
biarlah semuanya kukubur dalam-dalam, karena aku semakin yakin
semua ini sebuah permainan konyol
dan perasaan hanyalah permainan pikiran
sementara kau bermain-main dengan perasaanku, menyalahkan aku, seolah aku hanya manusia jahat
seolah aku hanya seonggok tulang dan daging jahat
siapa yang jahat? coba pikirkan lagi... siapa yang jahat?
aku tidak ingin dicintai siapa-siapa lagi, kalau ternyata cinta semengerikan ini...

Monday, July 02, 2007

Being a Smart-ass Brat

During my high school life, and junior school as well (elementary? maybe..) I used to be the type of smart-ass brat, the one who raised the hand and trying to amuse the teacher (lately I realized that I was just trying to amuse myself) I entered lots of english competition: speech, debate, storytelling, etc... and brought the trophies to school with pride. I was the teacher's pet (especially in english), and ignored my friends who were sickened by my behaviour. They were just jealous, I thought. And I kept bragging about myself and won some other competitions...

Then I entered college still with humongous pride, I got the PMDK, I don't have to suffer from day and night study to solve SPMB's puzzling test. I started the early campus life still as the one who raised her hand in any question she could answer. I did very well in presentation as an fresh man, and I never had any serious problem when it deals with paper writing. And then I met this girl, another smart-ass brat. Then the rivalry begun.

She raises her hand more often then I do. She elaborates the question and her opinion too much, adding her recent research as evidence to support her arguments in the subject. She was just like me. Yet, she the type of student who tries to look "stupid' among her fellow. But when it comes to kissing teachers' ass, she's the best. I don't care about that. But her stinginess in knowledge that kills me.

When I asked her about something i didn't understand, she refuses to explain. Trying to convince us dramatically that she doesn't understand as well (I really don't understand, I'm hopeless about that, I'm very clueless, I don't know... ya da ya da ya da...). But when the lecturer asks the same question in the class, there she goes again, raises her hand and answers the question in a very well mannered and elaborated speech. I hated her for this, and kept my hands on the table more often because I don't wanna be like her. One day the lecturer noticed this. It was Miss Haru, the grammarian (Grammar class lecturer) She said in the class, that we don't have to be stingy when it comes to knowledge, we have to help other fellow students and not keeping the knowledge to ourselves. Knowledge is not money, you don't have to be stingy about knowledge, knowledge gak bisa abis, not like money, she said.

I was a smart-ass who tried to amuse myself. But during my campus life, I raised my hand only when I'm really curious about something and when I believe that I need to pop my opinion in the class. No, I don't do that to amuse teachers. I love when my friends asked me to explain something they don't understand and have a light discussion about the matter. And I asked my friends to help me as well... I've changed, I've matured.

Then I became an elementary teacher in Tarakanita Barito, just for a year (2006-2007). And I have the Hermione (Harry Potter's) kinda students... (Two out of fifteen students) who always excitedly raises her/his hand... bragging "Me miss... me! me! me!... please... me!" with a very innocent face of an 11-year old.

I guess, being a smart-ass brat is just another phase in life... he he...


God Bless Cheap Secondhand Books!!!

I went to aksara kemang yesterday, and I found some items to add in my trasure chest! (err, I mean... my teasure bookshelf _ I collect books...) God bless those who sell their old books!!! I found these treasures inside the bargain and used books section in aksara kemang...

Jumpa Lahiri's "Interpreter of Maladies" only for Rp60.000,-
Jean-Paul Sartre's "Nausea" only for Rp30.000,-
Anne Rice's "Christ The Lord" hardcover 1st edition only Rp.30.000,- (mwuahahahaa....)
and Kate Millet's "Sexual Politics" Abacus' 1st edition (real rare!) only Rp 10.000,- (how stupid they are, selling this book only for 10grand rupiah.... ha ha)

I've been telling myself not to buy books during my thesis moments, but since now I just have to wait for the thesis presentation, I think it's time for me to treat myself with another fine reading... (other than books I read for my thesis, which was killing me...)

Well, well, well... which one should I read first???
Lahiri's first, since I've been longing to read the book for quite a while... then Rice's, and then another re-reading of Millet, and I will be ready for Sartre's *excited* yay!

And yea, if u're a V.S Naipul freak, or u just love to read about traveling stories or novels with multicultural theme, there're three V.S Naipul books: "A Free State" (Rp30.000), "Magic Seeds" (Rp.50.000), and "Half a Life" (Rp.50.000), all in the secondhand's section in aksara kemang. I asked my friend Silka who writes about Naipul for her thesis, but she don't want it. Trying to save some money for the future, she said. No more Naipul. Hehehe, maybe she's just sick with writing about Naipul...

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