Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Blah Blah Blah! New semester, new beginning!

Feminist literary criticism class is over, and I got an A! Yippie! Akhirnya masuk semester baru, ga rasa gw udah jadi third year student, rasanya baru aja kmaren gw masuk. I can't wait! Anyway, sekarang gw udah d depok, gw kira mulai kuliah dari kemaren, ternyata kuliah mulai tgl 5 dan ga ada yg ngasih tau gw! huuhuu... Bener deh, gw ga sabar buat kuliah, karena mata kuliah yg gw ambil semester ini kedengerannya asik. Gw istirahat dari mata kuliah linguistik, sengaja nggak ngambil semantik biar taun depan aja gw nemenin anak2 yg ketinggalan, huehehe... Mata kuliah yg gw ambil semester ini hampir semuanya pilihan dan berbau seni/sinema; pengantar sinema prancis, kajian film tematis, kritik sastra, kajian drama sebagai teater, metode pengajaran bahasa, sejarah uni eropa. dll. Waks... everything sounds interesting! And one more, I completed all the grammar series (I,II,II,IV) dan sekarang uda ga ada kuliah grammar lagi! Yippie! Anyway... I must've bored you with this boring campus stuff.. hehehe Anyway, u should check blog anak2 kelas kritik sastra feminis yg kemaren, bagus2 loh tulisan2nnya. Tp gw belom ngepost tulisan gw, krn masalah warnet yg sedikit lemah... hehehe... buka deh... www.kritikfeminis2005.blogdrive.com I really recommend it! Tunggu tulisan gw.. Sengaja mao gw post belakangan biar letaknya diatas dan banyak yg baca, hehehe :-P
Hmm apa ya... sedikit bingung mao cerita apa lagi. Promosi dulu deh. Wonderbra bakal maen di Kamis Rusuh @Parc tanggal 29 September 2005, masih lama sih tp boleh dong gembar gembor dari sekarang! Dateng yah...
Hmm, sedikit cuplikan dari kehidupan pribadi... my life as an open book to read;
Belakangan ini gw suka ngerasa seperti dimanja dan dicuekin. Hari ini dimanja, besok dicuekin. Tp gpp, toh gw emang udah biasa dicuekin, dan jarang bgt dimanja (kecuali sama bokapnyokap gw) Setelah akhirnya gw punya tempat untuk bermanja2, gw lupa gmana caranya manja. Udah terlalu lama jadi cewe independen, sebelomnya malah gw yg manjain orang. Sekarang, setelah semuanya bisa dimulai lagi, mata gw kebuka dan sadar... I'm goddamn worthed!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I'm trying

I'm trying. Who said I'm not, anyway. It is just, now I'm wondering wheter I choose the right desicion. I want a brand new start and hoping for something, something to fill my flat life. I'm just hoping without any expectation, is that bad?

I dunno... Life has been easy on me lately, but this thing, ... I'm not sure wheter he really in to me. But I stil walk the park anyway. Welcome to the real life, Ther...

And yes, I got my laptop back, yay! Now I can continue my novel draft and some other short stories to be compiled. Please, anybody! please! Support me.. hehehe ngarep...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

So hows life recently?

Hows life? That is the question I would gladly answer: "lovely, well at least for now!" haha, yea it's because this happiness that has been circling around me and my world lately. Yea, I got something new, I started again from the beginning without much expectation yet still hoping for surprises. I love it. I'm hoping. I'm dreaming. But still on the ground of reality. I'm still being a realist. ;-)
Sooo... wanna know something? I think my last posting before this posting has already explain everything.
"Lets fall in love!"