Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Skripsiiiiiiiiii Lagiiiiiiiiiii huahaha........ (Bosen gak sih loe baca blog gue???)

Setelah tiga rangkap skripsi draft 1 diberikan pada para penguji, penguji akan membalikkan kembali skripsi dengan beberapa catatan, lalu kami diberikan waktu satu minggu utk membenahinya sampai kemudian sidang beneran...
berikut ini adalah catatan tertulis dari salah satu dosen penguji, bu Retno.... hehehe

Skripsi Teraya Paramehta

(Siap grak....)

#1. It is not Fakultas Ilmu budaya.

(It's fakultas ilmu pengetahuan budaya, got it!)

#2. Do you translate everything from the internet? How do you get such an elaborate description? Almost without flaw, what book do you read?

(Err, can't u see I'm getting skinnier? It's because of the books I've read, mam! I made such an elaborate description because I surely know how to write... and I can analize quite well... There're lots of flaw actually, if you focus on some details... hehehe. I got the books, Mam. I bought it from, God bless the internet huh? Wanna borrow it?)

#3. I don't feel it is a personal understanding. It is a download except that you make it in Indonesian.

(Wich part? The whole thesis? No, mam. It's completely my interpretation of the whole issues. As you can see written in footnote, I made this research since last year... I've even decided to do Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange long before the literary research method class. If you're talking about the lampiran of nadsat dictionary, yes, I downloaded it from the internet, because it's the official Nadsat dictionary, and I think translate it again into Indonesian is not necessary, it might change the basic concept of Nadsat)

#4. Do you actually watch the movie and read the novel?

(Err, again, can't you see I'm losing some weight? It's because I read the novel and watch the movie thousand times, sometimes I even passed my lunch and dinner times!!! I remember every detail of it!!! try me!)

It is different when you write idea by idea.

(Well, okay... I don't get what u mean by this, but, I'll try...)

Bab 3 harus diberi pengantar di paragraf pertama cakupan semua sub-titlesnya, begitu juga Bab 4.

(Each chapter should be able to be read independently, go it! Thx a lot, I need this kind of input!)

Tulisan kurang kendali, sebaiknya pakai subtitles yg diberi penjelasan, semacam rangkuman di awalnya...

(hohoho, okay. I realize that this is my major weakness... I tend to write with "stream of consciousness" style, even in academic writing... sampe lupa bikin subtitel...)

Hope you can do it. Good luck.


Jangan lupa bikin abstrak.


2 Juli 07

Special thanks buat Nosa dan Silka yg udah ngambilis skripsi gue karena gue berhalangan hadir gara2 mencr*t-mencr*t... dan mewakilkan kuping gue atas note2 dari Bu Retno. terimakasih juga buat Nosa dan Silka yg udah ngebelain gue, sehingga note kedua sampai empat (yg merupakan note didasari praduga tak bersalah sang dosen terhadap gue sebagai plagiator...) dicoret oleh sang dosen... hehehe.... I see that as a compliment, kalo gw disangka plagiat (of course I'm not! and I can proof it easily), dan pernyataan ibu yg disampaikan pada Silka dan Nosa "It's almost flawless... skripsi ini seperti thesis S2" (Mwahahahaaaaa...) Tinggal nunggu komentar dr Bu Melanie dan bu Susi...

In a way, gue happy... nggak nyangka Bu Retno akan menuduh gue plagiat (again, I see that as a compliment!!! seriously!!!) gara2 isinya menurut dia "almost without flaw" dan "sekelas thesis S2" karena gue sendiri sangat tidak pede dengan tulisan gue (kl dibandingin ama tulisannya Nosa dan Silka yg temanya keren bgt...), tp in a way, rada ngeri juga nih... pasti akan byk diserang saat sidang... :-(

Ayo Thera, revisi... revisi...

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Anonymous Renggo Adjie said...

Wow.. Salut..!!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007  
Anonymous Everybody Loves Irene Band said...

ayo revisi! semangaat

Wednesday, July 04, 2007  
Anonymous faesal rizal said...

hah? belum kelar juga yah?

Thursday, July 05, 2007  
Anonymous Thera Paramehta said...

blom, tp msh normal kok. lulus 4 thn. hehehe...
pinjam dulu bukunya yhaa

Thursday, July 05, 2007  

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