Friday, June 17, 2005

There's only one way to find out!

All these new things... all these new friends... I thought I'll never survive those misrable state of mind of mine. But I did. And it seems now that life has given me more choices. I'm able to choose the conventional or my own invention kind of life. I dunno. I'm still confused but real happy for everything that I got lately in my life. Sure life got a lot of surprises for me. Enuf what Nosa said about life, and his favorite quotation from Albert Camus' "Life is not worth living". I could be loco if I hang out too much with you Wonderbra guys! You guys are a buch of 'too-much-reading-philosophy-craps'! And all of the sudden, all of those philosophical confersation about Camus, Sartre, Dostoyefky (how to spell it anyway?!), Simone Du Buvoir, and your favorite NIETZCHE!!! could make me become one of you!!! Nooo! I'm the most positive of all you guys, and it's not good to make me negative! Wonderbra could have lost it's charm! hahaha! But I'm falling in love with each of you everyday guys, really! But please.. stop freaking me out with that stupid behaviour of yours! Nanti kita ga terkenal2!!!
Loh... kok jadi nglantur... Enuf about WonderBrocoT! I dont want to talk about them anyway.. I want to talk about my life!!!
Soo.. okay... These past few weeks I had given a change in life to have another relationship in the future. And hell yes I want it! But I'm scared to death of it... how if I got dissapointed and become misrable again? and worse... how if I dissapoint someone again? The question of all this so-called traumatic psicological problem is only one; am I ready to have another relationship? Ahh damn.. this so-called relationship in this so-called kind of life... I'm actually getting bored of this kind of repetition in life, but what do you expect when you got born even when you ask not to be born? It's all secular... or linear if the Christian would say... whatever... for me all the same... all have this simple repetition, then its all lead to retorics (How to spell it?) These coincidences in life, wheter you believe it or not in coincidences, sometimes become a burden, become very very very damn boring, and yes... very hurting! However, with all do respect to all the people who dont believe in coincidences.., coincidences... can make us (at least it happens to me...) feel a little chemistry in life. I started to get this lifeful chemistry again... it remind me of my state of age when I was in highschool, when days and days are very boring but very lively. This lively chemistry in life that I had lost when I got that misrable state of mind in me long time ago, I got that back again... So wheter I'm gonna try another relationship or not with all the risks of being dissapointed or dissapoint someone again.. there's only one way to find out, rite?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Okay... okay...
It has been a long time yah.. :P Anyway.. minggu kemaren manggung di bugs cafe, payah! DODnya Nosa ga bagus bunyinya.. udah gitu panitia ga nyediain snare drum tp juga ga bilang2 ke kita.. parah.. and no check sound... lebih parah lagi kan? Yasudah lah... next time better kali yah.. Sumpeh hari itu gw males bgt ama anak2 yg kampuuunnggaaaan beraaattthh!!!! Huh! Huh! HUH! Sebel! Bikin malu gw aja.. awas laen kali gw pura2 ga kenal...
Anyway... gw lagi deket sama seseorang nih... gw ga mao cerita apa2an dulu soalnya gw masih nunggu perkembangan selanjutnya, gitu... hehehe... Gw ga mao terlalu keburu2 dan ga mao banyak berharap... takut dikecewain dan mengecewakan. Ya gitu lah...
Anyway.... today at campus! Man... AKHIRNYAAA!!! (dengan suara yg sangat menggelegar membelah angkasa dan menusuk jantung) nilai essay mid-prosa II dibagiin and I got an "A". Man.. "A" MANN!!! Whiihihi.. .yippieee... gue bales dendam sama semester kemaren, ga terima essay final prosa I gue dikasih D!!! So that gw lulus dengan C+ untuk MATA KULIAH YG PALING GW SUKA!!! MATA KULIAH YG PALING GW SEMANGAT!!! Damn.. gw sebel bgt waktu itu... gw udah bikin essay gw dengan sepenuh hati tp rupanya Miss. Dhita didn't get the logic of my interpretation (dia nulisnya gitu waktu itu di essay gw) padahal menurut Linda dan yg laen, mereka ngerti bgt kok interpretasi gw, mungkin emang ga sejalan ama Miss. Dhita aja... that damn Edgar Allen Poe's work... Sial.. Tp sudahlah... yg penting gw udah bales dendam lwt "The House on Mango Street" dan kali ini essay gw dapet A! Yippieee... Tp final ini gw harus ngebahas Marguarite Duras' "The Lover" yg AUJUBILEMINJALIATUN SUSAHNYAMINTAAMPUN... Masalahnya, novel yg harus dibahas kali ini sebenernya tipis, tp cara si Marguarite Duras nyeritainnya itu nggak banget! gue nggak ngerti2! Apalagi point of view nya... damn... Yang bikinj susah justru bahasanya... TERLALU GAMPANG! Justru kita semua jadi bingung mao ngebahas apa... kalo bahasanya penuh figurative language kaya "The House on Mango Street" kan banyak yg bisa ditulis di essay... Nah.. ini gw mao nulis apa!??! Mana gw harus research sejarah Thailand dulu lagi (novel ini settingnya di Thailand) Sebenernya sih novelnya bagus... tp... gw bingung aja harus nulis apa buat essay gw ntar... Tp ya sudah lah... yg penting gw hrs mempertahankan nilai gw biar kali ini Prosa II gue harus lulus "A"... the revenge doesn't stop till mid term test, rite... :)

Thursday, June 02, 2005

sekali lagi

From: "oengoemeloeloe" Date: Thu Jun 2, 2005 9:51 pm Subject: sekali lagi

Dalam tipu muslihatmu

Tenggelamkan aku
Ditengah bayang-bayang kelabu
Terbuka mata
Buai aku sekali lagi
Tidurkan aku dalam alam mimpi
Sekali lagi
Mari kita bercinta