Monday, August 31, 2009

Tomorrow: wonderbra live @ 101,4 Trax FM - 5 PM.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kotak Pandora*

Kotak Pandora adalah single pertama solo project Thera (a.k.a project-egois-semuanya-dia-yang-bikin-dia-yang-atur-soalnya-dia-pengen-terkenal-sendiri!). Terinspirasi dari album Medulla-Bjork dimana segala instrumen digantikan dengan vokal manusia (sebenarnya ini excuse saja karena Thera nggak bisa maen alat musik, fruity loop, apalagi nuendo - tapi jangan pernah bayangkan Thera ber-accapela solo, apalagi beatboxing... dia sama sekali nggak bisa!), Kotak Pandora direkam secara track di studio Callista Depok hanya dengan berpatokan pada rekaman suara di recorder dan bermodalkan nekad. Thera juga terpengaruh oleh meditation chants music (khususnya Hindu/Budha mantras), gregorian chants, dan (mungkin) Rafika Duri (tentu saja dia tidak mau mengakuinya...) Thera saat ini sedang belajar menawinkan american country yodeling: "yodelei... yodelei... yodelehihu..." dan nembang Jawa: "do mi sol ti la da", tapi semua orang tutup kuping sambil jerit-jerit minta ampun kalau Thera lagi latihan ber-yodel dengan nada-nada pentatonis.

Lagu Kotak Pandora Akan dirilis ketika Thera sudah merasa puas dengan lagu tersebut, atau kalau uangnya (dan akalnya) sudah habis, dan mental sudah cukup tebal untuk dihina-hina dan diketawain orang-orang. 

And she proudly presents the lyric, written by herself-of course, as a teaser to her first self-composed song: 

Raut rindu yang membisu
Perih peluh wajahku
Kuterpagut ruang waktu
Bingkai indah piluku

Angkasa raya binar
Sepasir debu memadu
Lekuk tubuh berpijar
Kecup sentuh bintang itu

Aurora menari ria
Tiada hadirkan duka
Kenakan topeng pendusta
Bukalah kotak pandora


Friday, August 28, 2009

sedih gue, sumpah...

kadang-kadang gue kehabisan cara dan frustrasi sendiri
tapi ya, silahkan kalo mereka merasa lebih baik
ini cuma rasa concern gue aja yang bener-bener tulus
tapi diem-diem gue tau
semua orang itu palsu! termasuk mereka...


Thursday, August 27, 2009

hilang kesabaran...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

good morning, vietnam. me love you long time, vietnam!!! ticket me already buy, vietnam!!! me go to you next year, vietnam!!! :-D

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

seperti diombang-ambing jadinya. maonya apa ya?

January 2010!!! (Another destination...)


January 2010!!!

Next destination... 

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Grafiti at Bethlehem - Taken in 2007

Dulu kayanya udah pernah posting... tp kok tiba-tiba menghilang begitu aja dari blog gue yah? Jangan-jangan... *posting lagi sambil merinding*

happy sahur...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mohon Doanya Teman-Teman...

Mba Yuni, staff administrasi di kantor gue tadi bercertia. Cerita yang bikin miris... Saat ini adik sepupunya, perempuan kelas 3 SMA yang katanya cantik dan sering menang lomba modelling daerah di Depok, dinyatakan hilang sejak 3 hari yang lalu tanpa kabar. Saat ini pihak orng tua dan polisi sedang mencari. Tidak ada satu temannya pun yang tahu dimana keberadaan anak perempuan ini. Yang mereka infomasikan, perempuan ini terakhir terlihat tiga hari yang lalu setelah pulang sekolah.

Mohon doanya teman-teman... walaupun kita nggak kenal dia, semoga anak perempuan ini baik-baik saja...


I hate microblog. It makes people write less... Hey guys, come on, write more on your abandoned blogs will ya?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

You're Too Young to Lecture!

Once upon the time on a facebook chat...
A frend from my dinosaur elementary school era, lets just call her 'Gee', pop the 'hi' to my complete silence.

Gee: Teraaa.. lama gak bersua. Kul dmn skarang?
Me: Hi there... Gw uda lulus dr 2 thn lalu.
Gee: Kul dmn?
Me: (Okay, she insisted... so what can I say?) Di UI, tp uda lulus. skarang kerja.
Gee: skarang kerja dmn?
Me: di UI. Ngajar.
Gee: Oh, asdos? (This is very a typical response. I had it a million time right after I tell people that I teach for a living. The first clarification from them is: Oh, assistant lecturer?)
Me: Umm, no. Dosen.
Gee: Oh. wah seru ya! dari murid bisa jadi dosen. Ngajar apa?
Me: Inggris. Sastra inggris.
Gee: Gmn caranya? Diminta ato gimana? (I honestly hate this question because I'll have to response awkwardly...)
Me: Iya. emang diminta (Oops, I didn't mean to brag. Don't give me the hate-look!)

I once had a student who spent a whole semester with me, but when the semester ended, he wrote me a thank you note with: "what a great assistant lecturer you are!" 

I also teach Business English and Academic English at UI's language institute called LBI. Every first day of my LBI classes, right after I introduce myself and ask wheter there's any question from my students (whose mostly aged 15 to 25 years older than me), I must prepare myself with their raising eyebrows and the typical, "Sorry, Miss... but how old are you?" I guess they just want to make sure that they've spent their money well on the course. Older teacher means more experience, and experience equals quality. They don't want campus students to teach them. It's a common stereotyping. I'll usually say "I'm in my mid 20s and I've just been teaching for three years. I also teach undergrad students of English Literature departement in this campus." Sounds like I'm bragging? It's just the truth to shut them up and carry on with the lessons. 

It's not that I'm making a big deal out of it. I'm not trying to tell everybody that I'm a lecturer whatsoever. I'm just a teacher, and that's simply it. It just happens that I teach in a university, no big deal. Not much different with those who teach in a highschool or kindergarten. And let me tell you what, teaching kindergarten students are waaaayyy more difficult than teaching university freshmen. Not to mention the terrible side effect: loosing your TOEFL score points (You see, you can't use difficult complete sentences in English when you talk to kids. All the effective phrases you'll use are mostly: "sit down!", "gimme high five!", "no!, don't do that!", "hey you!", "stop!", "very good...", "naughty!" etc). Been there, done that.

It is just that I found it quite surprising at first to look at how people would response when I told them that I teach at the university. They would mostly go "Ah, assistant lecturer! how fun!" with a very confident expression. When I told them that I actually AM a lecturer, they would give me the
you're-too-young-to-be-a-lecturer face and say, "Ah, I see". Some of them would toss me another blunt question,"So you teach diploma (D3) students?" which I would reply with: "no, I teach undergrads (S1)". They might also ask: "how? I didn't know you can teach with only a bachelor degree" which will  require a further elaboration on the faculty regulation in FIB UI, "You see, I'm an adjunct lecturer. And there're hundreds of us in our campus because.... blah blah blah"

Some months ago, a very happening radio in town marketed for Jakarta's youth were discussing about teaching and learning process in campus. Then the announcers became sudden experts on education, and one of them said, "I think most lecturers now only got bachelor degrees. How can they teach undergrads when they only have bachelors?" Oh please, as if they know everything about our education system. In UI, if you want to be an employed lecturer with full benefits, you must have a doctorate degree. Yes! doctorate! with only very few lecturers with doctorate degrees in our uni, how can the faculties survive without us, youthful-looking loyal outsourced adjunct lecturers with only bachelor or master titles after our names? Please remember that we don't get any benefits other than our hourly-based wage (Which will take years to save up to pay for the doctorate tuition fee. Most adjunct lecturers who finally got their masters decided to leave the faculty because there are much better opportunities out there. Scholarships? Ha, I wish...)

This country needs more educators, but usually most of the good ones left for better salary and benefits from private or government sectors. This semester, I have already lost two good friends of mine from the philosophy department. One of them only got a bachelor degree, but I can say that he's a genious! Another one just got her master, but then she chose a better job in an NGO because she's tired of the corrupted system in campus. Such a big loss for the faculty. However, sadly, I don't think the faculty finds it as any loss at all. They can always find other adjunct lecturers. 

We are doing this country a favor by being loyal to this so-called world-class university, so with all respect, stop underestimating us just because we look too young to lecture!

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Pinch me, then go to jail!

Right before I log on to my facebook account, the TV newscaster announced:

Seorang nenek di Depok masuk penjara karena mencubit pembantunya.
Sang nenek bernama xxxxx
(I didn't catch the poor grandma's name, so I'll just call her as 'Sang Nenek' for blogging purposes) mengaku mencubit karena merasa kesal dipelototi oleh pembantunya.
Meskipun cubitan tersebut tidak meninggalkan luka, sang nenek yang berusia xx tetap dikenakan pasal xx
(Sorry, I was too shock to listen to the details) atas kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga.
Sang nenek dan pembantunya sebenarnya sudah saling memaafkan sebelum kasus ini dibawa ke pengadilan, tetapi warga tetap melaporkan kejadian tersebut  kepada kepolisian setempat.

I have been quiet this whole day because of the pressure from work, but this news has made me even more speechless. The grandma must have been really annoying and cruel so the neighbors reported her to the police. But isn't this kind of case could have been solved by the kepala RT without involving the police? Ahh, maybe the grandma's fingers are made of steel or blades just like Edward Scissorhand...

Strange. strange.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Obama’s Indonesian Lessons - New York Times
A very good article on Barrack Obama's childhood in Indonesia.


Monday, August 17, 2009
bagi yang ingin mengadopsi anjing... menyelamatkan anjing/kucing terlantar (untuk diantarkan ke shelter)... atau memberikan donasi berupa uang, dog food, koran bekas, dll... silahkan ke situs ini. These guys have done a very wonderful job in helping neglected pets...


Bikin PR gara-gara ngintip-ngintip blog nya Iman...

(1) Turn on your MP3 player or music player.
(2) Go to SHUFFLE songs mode.
(3) Write down the first 25 songs that come up--song title and artist--NO editing/cheating, please.
(4) Choose other people to be tagged.

1. Call on me - Janis Joplin/Big Brothers in the Holding Co.
2. Drama - Erykah Badu
3. Velvet Goldmine - David Bowie
4. Contemplated Creatures - Samantha School
5. Last Night on Earth - U2
6. Waiting for the sun - The Doors
7. Glad Bluebird of Happiness - Joan Baez
8. Daughter (Live) - Pearl Jam
9. Slide - The Dresden Dolls
10. Emas (Instrumental) - Bunglon
11. Tiap Senja - Float
12. Dirty Day - U2
13. All Along the Watchtower (Live) - U2
14. Behind Blue Eyes - The Who
15. Second That Emotion - Grateful Dead
16. This Side of the Blue - Joanna Newsom
17. You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (OST. I am Sam) - Eddie Vedder
18. Lust for Life - Iggy Pop
19. You are my Sunshine - Ray Charles
20. Caspian Can Wait - The Velvet Teen
21. Track 7 - The Doors (Lupa judul lagunya... di liriknya ada kata-kata "sailing" deh.. apa yaa??)
22. Today - Jefferson Airplane
23. Tong Sampah - Flowers
24. Track 18 - Morissey (Ini gak tau judulnya. POkoknya track 18 di album the best of)
25. Smart Dogs - Kula Shaker

everyone who read this are tagged, so do your homework..


Friday, August 14, 2009

membisu itu indah... membiru itu gundah...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Hampir genap 2 tahun saya diberikan kepercayaan untuk menjadi fasilitator danatau dosen mahasiswa baru yang sedang dilanda euphoria masuk universitas negri terbaik di negeri. Sebagian diantaranya memang berhasil masuk universitas karena berjuang, sebagian lainnya masuk karena cukup beruntung (cukup beruntung sebagai cucunya guru besar fakultas anu, cukup beruntung sebagai anaknya kepala jurusan itu, cukup beruntung sebagai pacarnya anaknya dekan fakultas ini, dll). Tapi saat mereka berada di ruang kelas, semua melebur. Saya tidak tahu lagi yang mana yang berjuang dan yang mana yang beruntung. Perjuangan dan keberuntungan akan terbaca pelan-pelan, dari bagaimana mereka bersikap di kelas. Terbaca dari wajah-wajah euphoria.

Target dan cita-cita saya adalah mengajar sastra, pengantar kesusastraan atau kelas sastra apa saja. Karena dalam kelas sastra saya bisa sedikit menyalahgunakan posisi saya sebagai pengajar untuk menyebarluaskan propaganda yang saya percaya tanpa harus terlihat terlalu kasat mata. Tapi untuk mencapai kelas sastra, saya harus memulainya dari kelas bahasa dan mengajar kelas-kelas membosankan seperti writing, speaking, dan grammar. Penyebaran propaganda yang terlalu masif akan terlalu terasa, hanya bisa dilakukan sedikit demi sedikit melalui teks ekstensif pilihan, itu pun tidak bisa didiskusikan secara leluasa karena fokus pelajarannya adalah ilmu bahasa.

Setelah 2 tahun, semester ini saya diberikan kesempatan untuk mengajar kelas sastra bersama dengan tim. Aneh nian, rasanya biasa-biasa saja. Saya mengharapkan perasaan meledak-ledak seperti baru pacaran pertama kali, tapi perasaan itu tidak sedikitpun beranjak ke permukaan. Padahal ini cita-cita... Padahal ini tujuan... 

Sambil menenteng tumpukan buku sastra yang harus dipelajari malam ini untuk bahan silabus, pagi tadi saya berjumpa beberapa mahasiswa baru dengan aura euphoria yang kuat. Mereka tidak tampak haus akan pengetahuan, hanya sekedar haus akan kehidupan mahasiswa yang lebih merdeka.

Tiba-tiba mataku terpaku pada cover The Complete Stories and Poems of Lewis Caroll. Tampak Alice dengan rok biru bergelombang. Kepala mengadah ke atas, menatap kucing besar di atas pohon dengan seringai yang menakutkan. Kedua tangan di belakang pinggang, entah memetaforakan apa.

Tiba-tiba muncul pertanyaan kecil yang berbahaya, entah dari Alice, kucing yang menyeringai, atau diriku sendiri. 
"Hei, euphoriaku... kamu kemana?" 


Kursus Singkat: PENYUNTINGAN TEKS TERJEMAHAN BAHASA INDONESIA - dipandu oleh Guru Besar FIB UI, Prof.Dr. Rahayu S. Hidayat

Lembaga Bahasa Internasional, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia untuk pertama kalinya mengadakan kursus singkat 16 jam

Penyuntingan Teks Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia
Terjemahan Indonesia terasa janggal, tidak wajar, atau tidak menarik?
Terjemahan menyimpang dari teks sumbernya?
Terjemahan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang salah kaprah?

Terjemahan memang tidak mungkin sekali jadi, perlu dibaca kembali,
disunting dan dipindai agar tidak ada lagi penyimpangan, salah kaprah, dan kejanggalan.

Bagaimana menyunting teks terjemahan? Temukan jawabannya di pelatihan 16 jam menyunting dengan metode dan teknik yang benar serta penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia yang komunikatif tanpa mengabaikan kaidah. Pelatihan ini terbuka untuk penerjemah, editor, jurnalis, dan umum. 

Pertemuan I: Metode, Prosedur dan Teknik Penerjemahan
Pertemuan II: Analisis Teks Sumber dan Evaluasi Terjemahan
Pertemuan III: Penyuntingan Teks Terjemahan
Pertemuan IV: Pemindaian Berdasarkan Bahasa Indonesia yang Baik dan Benar

Lokasi dan jadwal kursus: 
LBI FIB UI Kampus UI Salemba
22 Agustus-12 September 2009
Setiap Sabtu, pukul 08.30-12.30 wib

Investasi: Rp1.200.000,00 (sudah termasuk sertifikat dan modul)

Lembaga Bahasa Internasional FIB UI
Kampus UI Salemba
Jl. Salemba Raya no 4
Tel. (021) 31930335, 31902112, 3922436
Biaya pendaftaran: Rp75.000,00

Profil instruktur:
Guru Besar Tetap FIB UI di bidang linguistik ini mempunyai pengalaman panjang dalam penyuntingan teks terjemahan pelbagai bidang.
Semula, sebagai penerjemah lebih dari 30 tahun, ia selalu menyunting terjemahan sendiri hingga naskahnya siap cetak.
Karya mutakhir terjemahannya adalah disertasi berbahasa Prancis Jérôme Tadié, Wilayah Kekerasan di Jakarta (Jakarta: Masup, 2009).
Kemudian, sebagai editor, ia juga menyunting teks terjemahan selain pidato kenegaraan dan karya ilmiah.
Karya suntingan mutakhir adalah Andrew Humphreys, Beijing Top 10, diterjemahkan oleh Aria dan Rara (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2009).


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Lunglai. Menyerah pada arus. Tinggal sesaat lagi nyawa menjelma menjadi tiada. Tinggal sesaat lagi dia menjadi robot yang bergerak bersama roda-roda yang saling mengait. Suatu saat dia tidak lebih dari bait yang terpasang pada mesin raksasa, pabrik penghasil tai, sampah, muntah, nanah, dan segala-galanya yang sudah busuk.

Menyerah? Otaknya tidak lagi bergerak liar dan bebas seperti saat ketika ledakan-ledakan ide memborbardir sela-sela otak kanan dan kirinya yang belum terlalu keriput. Seolah tersemen pada lantai kering, tak satupun tumbuhan tumbuh, bahkan berbunga. Hanya pasir dan debu, tidak ada sedikitpun ledakan. Orgasme pemikiran. Sudah lama dia menjadi frigit, terpatok pada arus.

Menyerah. Kalah?

Kalaupun kalah? Kepada siapa dia kalah?

Pun dia tidak mengenal siapa musuhnya.

Kalau tidak ada musuh, tidak ada perang. Tidak ada perang, lalu untuk apa menyerah?

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Bingung memilih...

Pernah ada seorang peramal remaja meramal gue lewat telapak tangan gue. Waktu itu dia bilang, "Lo bisa sukses, Ther. Bisa banget. Tapi masalahnya adalah, lo gak sukses-sukses gara-gara terlalu banyak yang mao lo capai... Terlalu banyak yang lo pengen... terlalu banyak yang lo bisa lakukan... dan lo terlalu pengen tau... Mending lo pilih aja satu bidang yang bisa lo tekuni dengan sungguh-sungguh." Tentu aja gue gak percaya. I took the advice for granted. Gue pikir banyak kok orang yang ahli dalam lebih dari satu bidang... Remy Silado bisa maen musik, teater, nulis, dll... Ayu Utami bisa nulis fiksi, essay, naskah drama, bahkan pernah jadi model... Jim Morrison... Leonardo Da Vinci... Agnes Monica...BCL!!!

Why not me? Yes, me? I'm quite proud to admit that I can do lots of things. Even things that I thought I could never done before I tried it! For instance, singing, acting on stage, and teaching... Gue baru nyadar kalo ternyata gue bisa melakukan itu setelah gue benar-benar melakukannya... Semua yang berasal dari penasaran dan coba-coba.

Dulu, niatnya setelah lulus S1 gue gak mao buang-buang waktu dan pengen langsung ngelanjutin kuliah, mumpung otak masih seger dan teori-teori pada belom ilang. Tapi udah 2 tahun ini gue masih gini-gini aja. Gue bersembunyi dibalik pembenaran-pembenaran: blom dapet beasiswa, blon ada dana, telat daftar, dll... Padahal masalah gue cuma satu. Gue bingung memilih!!! Persis seperti si peralam remaja itu bilang, gue terlalu penasaran, terlalu banyak maunya... dan itu malah bikin gue gak kemana-mana, karena gue gak tau harus fokus kemana... :-(

Berikut ini adalah daftar jurusan-jurusan keren di bidang MA, MLitt atau MFA. Paling keren yang pernah gue temuin sepanjang gue riset tentang universitas 3 tahun terakhir ini.  Karena terlalu banyak pilihan gue jadi bener2 bingung!!! Seandainya aja gue punya cukup banyak duit dan umur super panjang... gue pengen pelajarin semuanya...

Gue posting disini, karena gue pengen tau komentar teman-teman tentang jurusan-jurusan aneh (tapi keren) ini. Komentar kalian mungkin akan membantu gue atau bikin gue tambah bingung, hehehe.

- MA / MFA in Creative Writing (San Francisco State Uni)
- MA in Myth, Literature, and the Unconscious (Essex Uni, UK)
MA Myth, Literature, and the Unconscious is an interdisciplinary course drawing on the complementary expertise of the Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies and the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies. The course critically explores a variety of theories of myth, both ancient and modern, but focuses on the depth psychological theories of Freud and Jung, which postulate that the real subject matter of myth is the unconscious mind.

- MA in Film and Literature (Essex Uni, UK)
The MA in Film and Literature focuses on theoretical and practical interactions between literature and film, providing students with a wide range of textual and analytic skills.

- MA in Gothic Imagination (Stirling Uni, Scotland)

This programme aims to provide you with opportunities to explore the full range of Gothic writing, from its beginnings in the 18th century to the present day. The focus is on work from Ann Radcliffe and Mary Shelley, through Victorian and late 19th-century writers (Dickens, Stevenson, Wilde, Stoker) to the Edwardian heyday of the ghost story, and on to the various modern and post-modern examples of the Gothic in writers such as Iain Banks, Angela Carter and Stephen King.The term ‘Gothic’ is itself highly contested. Accordingly, theories relevant to the Gothic, such as Freud on the uncanny, Todorov on the fantastic and Kristeva on abjection will be examined.

- MA in Creative and Critical Writing (Sussex Uni, UK)
The MA in Creative and Critical Writing at Sussex is the first of its kind in the UK. It develops out of long-standing teaching and research interests in creative writing, as well as in psychoanalysis, eco-poetics, cultural materialism, post-colonialism, deconstruction, feminism, and queer theory.

- MA in Creative Writing and Personal Development (Sussex Uni, UK)
The MA is a unique creative writing programme. It has two main strands: 1) Creative Writing/ Personal Development – allowing you to develop your creative writing through an exploration of the relationship between self and creativity; and 2) Creative Writing/Professional Development – allowing you, in addition to the above, to develop the skills of facilitating therapeutic writing groups in healthcare, therapy and education.

- MA in Literature, Film and Visual Culture (Sussex Uni, UK)
Autumn and spring terms: you take four of the following options: Psychoanalysis and the Image; Photography and Fiction; Cinema and the Domestic; Fragments: Theory, History, Visual Culture; Image and Text; Theorising Modernism: The Avant-Garde in Literature and Film; and The Visual Culture of Romanticism.

- MA in Modern and Contemporary Literature, Culture and Thought (Sussex Uni, UK)

- MA in Sexxual Dissidence in Literature and Culture (Sussex Uni, UK)
Autumn and spring terms: you take four of the following options: Critical Issues in Queer Theory; Sexuality, Fiction and Subculture; Queering Popular Culture; Sexuality and Creative Writing; Sexualities in Early Modern England; Sexuality and Identity in 20th-Century Post-Colonial Cultures; and Romantic and 19th-Century Sexualities; and Querying the Unconscious.

- MA in Wild Writing: Literature, Science and Environment (Essex Uni, UK)
This new MA programme will begin in October 2009, the product of an unusual collaboration between the departments of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies and Biological Sciences. It offers a unique combination of science and the humanities, with a focus on writing about the environment; it is global in its concerns but with a core module focusing on the local region of Essex/East Anglia; and it is open to students with or without specialist backgrounds in literary studies or biological sciences.

- MLitt in Global Cinema (Stirling Uni)
You will learn about how cinema operates as a global medium, and about the development and interactions of cinematic culture around the globe. Instead of simply looking at a selection of national cinemas from around the world, the focus of this degree is on the global phenomenon of cinema itself. In an era of globalisation, such a perspective is fundamental to understanding one of the most enduringly fascinating art forms.

- MA in Women, Violence and Conflict (York Uni, UK)

MLitt in European Cinema (Glasgow Uni, UK)

MLitt in Film Journalism (Glasgow Uni)

- MTh/MLitt in Inter-Faith Studies (Glasgow Uni)

This is one of the first programmes of its kind in the UK.  It is offered by our unique Centre for Inter-Faith Studies, founded in 2001 in response to today’s urgent need for — and growing interest in — inter-faith reflection.

Udah ah, kalo kebanyakan gue semakin binguuunnggg...


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

sedih dikit karena sirik dan gak terlalu sukses boleh kan? boleh lah...

Monday, August 03, 2009

AnimeA - Read Glass Mask manga online
Untung ada link ini... jadi bisa bernostalgia baca komik topeng kaca lagi (walopun tidak sampai jilid terakhir...)