Thursday, April 23, 2009

Main Page - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
I was googling on bhuddism when i found this stupid wikipedia-like site. It's very entertaining! and I was actually thought that it was the real! (Until I read the description of "philosophy" in it... :-D

Monday, April 20, 2009


suatu saat nanti. semua kata akan menjadi dusta.
semua tatap muka akan menjadi murka.
dan akan tiba suatu titik dimana atap kita akan runtuh.
lalu setubuh melengkapi jenuh.

diantara peralihan-peralihan masa itu.
ujung jemari kita akan kembali saling menyentuh.

I'm back

After neglecting my blogger account for 2 years, I'm back. Eventually.
Because multiply is not fun anymore. Less and less real bloggers are using it.
More and more online-shops are in it. Thus, I'm sick of all those clothing advertisment.

People are vastly shifting to facebook. I'm one of them, but I think facebook is too dangerous.

I can't hide behind any mask in facebook. Even my mom has an account!

So here I am now... back to my private secretive life in blogger.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Malam malam jadi aneh...

di malam yang sudah mengantuk ini...
gue punya pikiran aneh lagi...

I genuinely hope that 
1. I will not ended up doing a job that I hate, from 9 to 5 everyday...
2. I will not stay at home forever and knit a giant sweater just because I don't know what else to do
3. I will never ever lose my dreams and passion to do what I've always wanted to do - whatever the circumstances.
4. I will never stop learning...
5. I will not lose track...

There, I've said it.
Now what?

Do something! Anything but this...


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Teacher Training Class Open: Teaching English for Children

Berminat jadi guru bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak? Ikut nih training dengan metode modern bertaraf internasional... Terbuka juga untuk mereka yang belum pernah ngajar sama sekali...


Photo Album 2009-04-07 #2

Photo Album 2009-04-07