Friday, September 29, 2006


What are you afraid of?
or me?

It's another tears
And another
and another
and another

What are you afraid of?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Your Birthdate: January 14
You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you.It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy!You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around.But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.
Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you
Your power color: Fuchsia
Your power symbol: Diamond
Your power month: May
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I love every arguement we had
because I know you always let me win

Thursday, September 14, 2006

On Stupidity...

Everybody has the right to be stupid
Everybody has the right to be smart
It's just a matter of choosing what you think is suitable for you

I choose to be smart
I am ment to be arrogantly smart
I hate the stupid
Stupidity should be prohibited
people should not choose to be stupid

What is stupidity?
Stupidity is when you think what is right is what is wrong and then what is wrong is what is right and then it's wrong again and then it's right again and then wrong and right and wrong and right and wrong and right and wrong and right and wrong and right! No, it's wrong. Wait, it might be right! Rightwrongrightwrongrightwrongrightwrongrgihtworgnrgithwrngo

Stupidity is when you cannot make up your stupid mind.

Stupidity is when you have great marks at school, is when you got straight A's. Unfortunately, your marks on that stupid paper are useless because simply you couldn't apply your skill on desicion making in your daily life.

Stupidity is when you think you are smart, you claim yourself to be a smart person, yet you can't be smart in action.

Smart is being. It is not just a thought. Smart cannot be written on the paper.
Stupidity is being. Stupidity is written. Stupidity is stupid action. Stupidity is doing the same mistake all over again and again and again.
Stupidity is not learning from mistakes.
This is the ultimate stupidity.

Stupidity is when you close your mind to the outer world. Just listen to your own. Or just listen to only one person and says no to the other, or says yes to every single stupid people but abandoning the one and only smart advice.

Stupidity is when you lost your logic. When you lost your logic means you lost your rationalism. Loosing your rationalism means loosing your brain.
Smart is having your brain, using it to the fullest.

But the stupid thinks that irrationalism is romantic.

Well, you may choose: being stupid or being smart
It's up to you
You can decide to be a stupid person in this stupid world
Or you can be the smart one

It's your right, really
But if I manage my own country
I'll prohibit stupidity
It should be banned
I'll send you to jail

Your stupidity is ironic to me
And I had enough stupidity in my life
I don't want more

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Strawberry Wine

Release me to your vineyard
Where all the caterpilliars have turned into butterflies and fly
And the smell of earth is deep
Let me be there and taste your juicy grapes
Let me drink you wine

And in some other time
I'll take you to my strawberry field
Where all the ladybugs still in their cocoons
And grasshoppers jump and jump and jump
Taste me, and let me be your strawberry
Let me remind you of the cloudy days and rainbows

Let us be strawberry wine

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Tidak Sebelum Kita Dibebaskan

Ada yang ingin kuceritakan, kawan
Kepada mereka yang tinggal di tepian
Kau lemparkan panah yang tertusuk tajam
Entah sampai kapan
Kau relakan retakan bumi menghajar
Memisahkan kejiwaan dengan dan sesaka dunia
Entah sampai kapan, kawan

Ada sesuatu yang ingin kuceritakan
Entah di mana suatu kekuatan suatu saat akan memecahkan kita
Menyembelih tiap puing dan debu yang terlempar ke udara
Suatu saat, di sini kita berdiri
Menanti perpecahan kembali menjadikan akar
Yang 'kan tumbuh, kawan
Entah sampai kapan

Ada sesuatu yang ingin kuceritakan
Sampai suatu saat nanti darah itu mengering dan kembali terluka
Perjuangan itu selalu sia-sia, kau katakan
Tapi sesuatu akan terbang bersama energi yang kau lepaskan
Mereka tidak menghilang
Melainkan melebur bersama nafasmu yang menyatu di udara
Jantungmu hendak meledak
Hemecahkan nadimu
Percikan darah di udara!
Terlukis ikatan-ikatan yang mengikat jiwa
Kita akan mati!
Tapi tidak sekarang
Tidak sebelum ekspresi diungkapkan, kawan
Tidak sebelum kita dibebaskan!

Bekasi, 3 September 2006

*dedicated to my lovely campus. Kampus sastra, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas indonesia, yang secara ironis kebebasan berekspresi sungguh diredam dan dipersulit.
Hei para birokrat! biarkan kami melepaskan karya-karya kami ke udara!
Biarkan kami menari di antara tebing-tebing ideologi dan putaran doktrin-doktrin para akademisi!
Kami hanya ingin berkarya, dan itu bukanlah sebuah dosa...

Happy 2nd Birthday, Bloggy!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Bloggyyy....
Sorry I've changed your name in the middle of our journey together
What can I say? We all change. Coz we're all moving. Something bigger, something louder.
Thankyou for everything, Bloggy dear. You're the one I've always share with in the first place when something happens in my life.

Thanks for sharing every pieces of my precious moments.

I love my blog!