Monday, April 18, 2005


Hahaha! What a weekend! Gila gila gila. Bingung gw harus mulai dari mana.

Hari kamis, gw jadi modelnya Tony&Guy (nama kerennya model, nama jeleknya kelinci percobaan!) Gue boleh potong and cat gratis di sana dengan syarat gw mao diapain aja. Ya gue mao aja soalnya kan gw emang dr dulu ga pernah bener2 peduli sama rambut gw. Rupanya gw hari itu di highlight… GOLDEN BLONDE! Huaaa! Gue sih pengennya striking red ato pink ato ungu mesum, apa aja lah asal bukan blondie! Tapi ya sudah lah.. resiko profesi! Hihihi… Terus gw di potong, tp ga terlalu banyak.

Hari jumatnya, gw ke Loreal Gran Melia. Gosh… suasana d sana bener2 hectic dan penuh segala sesuatu yang berbau fashion! Terutama sekali pria pria metrosexual!!!! Huaa… Eh, yg ngecat rambut gw cakep bgt loh… and he’s straight, saying udah punya cewe… boohoo… Terus gw dikasih stoking item dan rok mini pink! Kemeja putih gw dilepas tiga kancing bawahnya terus diiket and so I show off my belly button (sexy bo!) Dengan hak tinggi dan selendang ala miss universe, berjalanlah gw diatas catwalk!!! (Whoaaa.. can u imagine that!??!)

Anyway… keesokan harinya katanya gue boleh dateng lagi buat potong dan cat rambut gw lagi. Rupanya di sana ada bule org Inggris yang jadi directornya Tony&Guy and keliling2 buat ngajarin karyawan2 baru. Begitu ngeliat gw rupanya dia pengen bgt motong rambut gw buat bahan demo ke murid2 yg dipotong sama dia, tp dia bilang sih sebelomnya ke gw kalo rambut gw bakalan dipotong pendeeek bgt. Toh gw cuek ama rambut gw, ya gw mao2 aja! Dicepakin pun aku rela! Hehehe…

Dan selama dua jam penuh… gue melihat rambut2 berjatuhan….

Eng Ing Eng!!!! Kemudian jadilah gw berkepala Glam Rock 70s!!! Lengkap dengan rambut cumi di bawah, jambul ayam di atas, poni zig zag (poni gw keren bgt), jambang nan tajam dan runcing!!! Jangan lupa, rambut gw masih ber highlight blonde! Gwahahaha!!! Gawat! Keren sih! Sekali2 gw out of the box!!! Ntar kl ada fotonya gw taro di sini deh!

Oh iya. Dt gw ke Planet Hollywood dlm rangka penutupan beawiswa Jakartaschool. Gw dpt sertifikat lg (holleee…) ikut bangga soalnya banyak naskah temen2 gw yg diterbitin. Terus, gw tau dr temen gw kl puisi gw masuh antologi MAHA DUKA ACEH. Langsung deh gw ke Gramedia and beli bukunya! And yes! It’s there!!! Ayou semuanya beli buku ini!!! BAngga bgt rasanya satu antologi sama WS Rendra and Rieke Diah Pitaloka!!! Huahuahua!!!!!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

No More Love Fool

I don't want to be a love fool anymore! Just like the character of 'The House on Mango Street'; Ezperanza. But I have no wish to change my name. I love it just the way it is. I accept any kind of spelling; Thera, Terra, Tera. Just call me with the pronounciation /tera/ with the short vowel /a/ and a flapped /r/.

I am a love fool no more. No more crying because of a silly love songs and stupid memories of love. I'm getting.. no.. I'm completely tired with that! and I've woken up with a different soul, different prespective of life now. Because I'm sick and tired of my own creation of silly stupidity. I'm just sick about that. No more "Love Fool" song by The Cardigans... but doesn't mean that I hate that song. Sure I do love Swedish Pop, but it's just not the right moment. it's time to get back to Alanis.

Someone... actually not someone.. it's myself. I make myself relized that I'm still worthy. I can get a better person. And I relize since 'the day that shall not be mentioned' with 'a guy who shall not be named' that actually all this time I have been done wrong by 'another person that I oftenly mentioned', because 'a guy who shall not be named' that actually just a casual friend of mine treat me better than him. Such a silly girl I am crying for someone that treat me wrong. It shall happen no more. Coz since that day I feel like I had an awakening. I was reborn. I relized. I woke up from this nightmare.

Thankyou God for letting me alive
I am a sweet sinner of yours
Thankyou God for giving me this awakenings
It is time for me now to go on with my independent succulent life

Friday, April 01, 2005

Hymn of Death

What if the sun will not shine tomorrow
What if it is an apocalypse now
What if this darkness still follow
What if it is an apocalypse now

And here we are
Singing the anthem of die
Look up to the sky
Untill God says "hi"
Singing the hymn of death

Maybe we all tired of this confussion
Maybe we are longing for upstairs' jingle of heaven
Because someday the sun will gone
the apocalypse has just begun

eh gila... serem bgt yah... tenang.. tenang, gue nggak mao bunuh diri kok. Ini cuma lirik lagu yg iseng2 gue tulis ternyata cukup sesuai sama lagunya Nosa. Hehehe... So don't worry ;)