Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I wanna cry now
May I?

I just need to cry
Just for now

I promise

Wanna Party... Is that wrong?

I wanna party and have fun
Untill I forget what time
I wanna dance and scream around
Untill mommy calls and tells me to go home
I wanna party but I'm on my own

*Dear Mom, it's not you to blame. It's not you to blame. You raised me right. It is me whose now know how to fight.

It is me who relized. My body belongs to me... But you are still the one I love most in life.

Monday, December 19, 2005

I'm waiting for that word, honey
Silly him, he didn't relize how precious this is
If he done something stupid just once, he'll lost everything
He'll lost the precious of me
And I'll not cry, not again
I will just walk with a smile
Becoz I still have a long way to go
And much more surprises to come
Another advanture to explore

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Dear Lord,

5 final papers
4 written test
1 take home test
All during Christmas and New Year Eve
Dear Lord,
I wanna burn this campus down!

Friday, December 09, 2005


I'm such a lucky person. yes I am. baru aja bergabung latihan untuk pertama kalinya di teater sastra, eh ngetaunya Mas Yudhi uda bagi2 tiket gratis... dan kali ini tiket yg dibagiin cost 75 USD, and I got it for free. Heeheehee...

It's called Ilagaligo, a heroic story about Sureg Galigo, a legend from Makassar. Sayangnya pementasannya pake bahasa Bugis dan tanpa terjemahan sama sekali, jadi gw ga ngerti! kurang lebih gw nangkep sih ceritanya lewat visualisasi sang sutradara Robert Wilson, tapi sekarang gw lagi nyari data Sureg Galigo di internet buat membuktikan hipotesa-hipotesa gw.

anyway, Robert Wilson emang hebat... Jujur gw ga tau gimana ngegambarinnya... Yang pasti backdrop panggungny apake LCD yang gede banget. Terus tata musiknya pake nuansa makasar yang kentel. Yang menurut gue luar biasa, pengungkapan makna-makna dengan gesture dan tarian para pemain, didukung kuat dengan backdrop LCD yang warnanya berubah-berubah tadi. Di saat karakternya menggambarkan kemarahan, backdrop langsung jadi bara merah yang warnanya nyengat mata, kemarahan tadi terasa sama panasnya. Terkadang backdrop jadi broken white yang tajem, hingga karakternya jadi kaya siluet yang tenggelam di balik cahaya. Adegan yang menurut gw paling keren sih adegan awal, siluet orang-orang berjalan... ada karakter ombak, di balik backdrop yang serupa matahari tenggelam. Damn, baru kali ini gw nonton pertunjukkan teater sekeren ini.

Someone Made an Essay About Our Song...

The greatness of every song lies in the wilderness it can carry u to by its totality. Some may carry u to your childhood, to your mum’s nipples, to your first love, to your first kiss, to your first fuck, or to your first sin. But, some can carry u even farther. Not to your past, but to some mysterious, terrifying, yet fascinating unreal reality. That is exactly the grandeur which I felt in Wonderbra’s song, “die!die! baby die!” - Abauw


Please open the above link to preview the full essay... heeheehee... I'm very satisfied!

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Hmm... aku iri melihat foto2 perempuan2 cantik di friendster... sebenernya bukan kecantikannya yg gw iriin, tp skill dandannya *kok bisa sih!?!?!* Kayaknya buat skill yg satu itu gw dapet "C-" deh... Padahal kayanya dulu waktu SMA bisa2 aja dandan... tp sejak kuliah nyaris tidak pernah menyentuh tas make-up *dimana yah tas make up ga sekarang?* semua tabungan larinya ke buku, bukan ke make up lagi... huhuhuuu.... But being casual isn't so bad, isn't it? Inner beauty is what matters most... ehm... I guess... really? well, kadang2 teori idup emang ga sesuai sama kenyataan, hehehe...