ikut trend biar ngetren (lg ga ada kerjaan juga sih...)
001. Real name → teraya paramehta
002. Like it? → love it! krn (1) artinya keren, (2) cm ada satu nama "teraya paramehta" di dunia. kl ga percaya, cek google.
003. Nickname(s)→ thera
004. Status → in a very serious long-term relationship (halah!)
005. Zodiac sign → proud capricon
006. Male or female → femme fatale
007. Elementary→ SDN Selong 01 Pagi, PSKD 6 Bulungan, Tunas Jaka Sampurna Bekasi
008. Middle School → Marsudirini kemang pratama
009. High School → Labschool rawamangun
010. Hair color → coklat krn kebanyakan maen layangan waktu kecil... dan krn gonta ganti cat rambut waktu masih remaja (halah!)
011. Long or short → loooooonngggg....
012. Eye color → hazel (and it's real - NOT SOFTLENSES - why is it sooo difficult for indonesians to accept that my eye color is real??? I'm born with hazel eyes!!! Yea I'm soo damnn lucky... Praise the Lord!)
013. Weight → 46kg saja.
014. Height → 160 cm saja.
015. Righty or lefty → straight
017. Sweats or Jeans → cotton
018. Phone or Camera → laptop
019. Health freak → trying to be - for my own good
020. Piercings?→ 4... 2 on both ears.
021. Do you have a crush on someone? → I'm always in a crush
022. Eat or Drink → drink. i don't eat much... i prefer to drink
023. Purse or Backpack → tas pinggang
024. Tattoos → pengen... tapi...
025. Do You Like Yourself? → hell yea
026. Current worry? → kebelet pipis tp males ke toilet... ngompol gak ya? (sumpah lg gak ada masalah sama sekali dalem hidup gw saat ini... dan inilah kekhawatiran terbesar gw huahaha...) eh ada satu lagi deng: semoga temen2 gue gak rakus seperti babi sore nanti... hehe
027. Orange or Apple Juice? → Apple martini. hehe...
028. Night or Day? → day and night... hehe. i love the afternoon actually... when the sky is red :-D
029. Sun or Moon? → sunset. tp bulannya juga udah mulai keliatan... keren kan?
030. TV or Internet? → internet.
031. PlayStation or XBox? → PS. for RPG games only...
032. Kiss or Hug? → both
033. Iguana or Turtle? → bayi kura-kura
034. Spider or Bee? → spidey... spiderman. (halah!)
035. Fall or Spring? → blm pernah liat dua2nya... baru winternya timur tengah sama summernya eropa. I prefer winter di timur tengah...
036. Limewire or iTunes? → iTunes
037. Soccer or Baseball? → sepak bola, sepak takraw, sepak terjang...
038. First surgery → blm pernah dibedah... padahal bokap gue dokter bedah
039. First piercing → standar di kuping
040. First best friend → waktu TK namanya ajeng. waktu SD namanya fiona (heeyy kalian apa kabar??!!)
041. First Sport? → waktu TK lari estafet, waktu SD nari bali... bikin keringetan juga kok...
042. First award → *malu* peragaan busana putri duyung (gw pke baju little mermaid, nyahaha...) award kedua di lomba gambar, award ketiga di lomba debat bahasa inggris... Gw sama sekali gak pernah ikut lomba nyanyi :-p
043. First crush → namanya yudha. waktu kls 2 SD... (heyy kamu apa kabar??? pasti skarang udah ganteeeng!!!)
044. First pet → bleki. anjing kampung super galak. suka gigit orang. kl gak salah akhirnya di-euthenesia.
045. First big vacation → gw, aa, bokap, nyokap, ke perth australia waktu gw kls 4 SD
046. First big birthday → waktu dilahirin nyokap.. :-p
047. Eating → kue yg terbuat dr kentang, keju,dan terong... gw gak tau namanya apa.
048. Drinking → aer putih
049. I'm about to → kabur dr kantor (skarang lg mikir gmn caranya...)
050. Listening to → my colleagues talking in the neighbouring cubilcle... ooh sooo lame...
051. Singing? → lagunya barney. bersiul tepatnya...
052. Typing? → email dan quisioner iseng tanpa hadiah ini...
053. Waiting for → 5 o'clock. tick tock tick...
054. Want kids? → yes. a girl, please... but not in recent time, please...
055. When? → maybe 3 or 4 years from now... or more.
056. Want to get married? → yes
057. When? → waiting for the approval
058. Where Do You Want To Live? → pantai utara bali. yang lautnya berpasir hitam legam dan penuh karang... sawah ada sejauh mata memandang...
059. Careers in mind → teaching and writing is still on the top of my list. marketing is what i do just for this year...
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little? → astronot
061. Mellow Future Or Wild? → great future
062. Something You Would Never Try? → makan tai dan minum kencing...
063. Lips or eyes → eyes
064. Shorter or taller? → whatever
065. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneously romantic
066. Nice stomach or nice arms → stomach! hihihi.... nduutt!!!
067. Sensitive or loud → biasa aja
068. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
069. Trouble maker or hesitant → advanturous but not a trouble maker
070. Hugging or Kissing? → both... hehehe they are siamesse twin and i love them both
071. Tan Skinned or Light? → tan
072. Dark or Light Hair? → dark.
073. Muscular or Normal? → normal to ndut empuk.
074. Lost glasses/contacts → baru sekali (kehilangan kaca mata ya... bukan contacts)
075. Ran away from home → gak pernah. gw anak baik-baik... tp mikirin buat kabur dr rumah sering banget dulu...
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense?→ i don't need them. sebagai gantinya dulu gw belajar aikido sampe 2 thn. tp sekarang uda lupa semua jurus nya...
077. Killed somebody → killed somebody in my mind. yea. in reality? i don't have the heart
078. Broken someone's heart → yes
079. Been arrested → blm. jangan sampe. i'm not that wild
080. Cried when someone died → iya lah...
081. Kissed A Stranger? → nggak pernah. i'm good at jual mahal, even when i'm drunk... (malah makin mahal.. halah!)
082. Climbed Up A Tree? → yup. i love it. even untill now
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend? → yup
084. Yourself → yes
085. Miracles → yes
086. Love at first sight → tadinya nggak. tp gw pernah mengalami... walopun biasanya hasilnya disaster. i believe love on first date... itu lebih reasonable...
087. Heaven → I do
088. Santa Claus → the "hohoho" santa? nope. tp kl santo dr vatikan (kl ga salah) yg ngasi kado buat anak2 yatim di hari natal dan memulai tradisi "saling berbagi" - gw percaya
089. Kiss on the first date → yes
090. Is there one person you want to be with right now → Yup
091. Do You Like Someone? → *Ngangguk*
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → Yes, I am very happy, but I wan't more happiness. u'd never had enough of it...
094. Recieved/Sent Text Message → received from Bu Haru. About our classes...
095. Received Call → Bu Haru, maap ya tadi ga bs ngobrol banyak. Lg meeting.
096. Call Made? → Mbak-mbak dr perusahaan bikin mug promosi yang hasilnya sangat mengecewakan gw.
097. Comment On MySpace? → belom cek myspace
098. Missed Call? → nomer aneh tak dikenal
099. Person You Hung out With? → recently, LBI's staff... This afternoon I'm having a "kongkow2" with my college buddies...
Labels: blog
asli lo dosen UI apa bukan? Oia, sekarang bagian marketing PPB UI ya? pantesan nganggur pisaaan!!!
masih dosen bos. tp kelas baru mulai hr ini, jd blm ada PR apa-apa... hehehe
ha ha ha ha ha
Femme fatale..hm..ho..ha..he..
sama dong.....
tapi gw angkatan lama banget ....:D
waaahhh....tsk tsk.. gw angkatan brp ya? udah lupa juga
btw, gw cukup bingung ternyata posting iseng bgini masi ada yg baca juga.. huehauehau. peace
yes. so i am not the only one weirdo tree climber!
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