ada yg tertarik untuk adopsi badak, teman-teman?
Labels: blog
I will always be the virgin-prostitute, the perverse angel, the two-faced sinister and saintly woman ... Life is not rational; it is just mad and full of pain. Do not seek the because - in love there is no because, no reason, no explanation, no solutions. You are a sexual angel, but you're an angel just the same. You are a narcissist. That is the raison d'etre of the journal. Journal writing is a disease. But it's all right. It's very interesting. - Anais Nin
Labels: blog
maaf oot thera,,, waktu gw posting ini, dikirain gw bikin charity buat cowok gw yang namanya rino... heuehee.. *sial*
hmm.. gue kopas di milis/discussion group ya te..
wakakakaak... lucunya... memang cowo lo butuh charity? :-D
enggaaa... makanya pada nanyain! tapi baguslah..jadi dibuka postingan gw dan seenggaknya mereka baca dan masuk ke web itu... hihii.. save rhino!
temenku ada yang ikut lho tera, badaknya namanya menul. hahahahhaha
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