...60s expert in literature...
"Yea, Thera... You should focus on being the 60s expert in literature"
"But I'm not soo 'sixtieshy'... I'd like to focus more on dystopian/utopian theme in literature."
"Okay... but isn't it best to continue the research you have started since years ago? Starting it all over again will be very difficult. It takes more time as well. If you want to get a master degree in only 2 years, you should just continue your reseach in Kubrick's movies. Analyze the effect on the audience and be the expert of the 60s American/British society through its literatures. We need that. You'll bring youthful perspective to our department.I know you can do that."
"But... Mam... But..."
"Good luck!"
(Aduh pusiingg!!! Can I just buy "Ph.D" with my money?)
Labels: blog
what youthful perspective!? its gonna make you old
60s... yea it's rotten ooooolllddd....
we're all about the future! rock n' rollin science fiction here we come!
coba tebak percakapan ini terjadi antara gue dengan siapa, nos? hayoo... (clue: lokasi nya di jurusan inggris)
What about the 70s then?
50s, 60s, 70s...
i'm now more interested to speculate the future ;-D
paling si bu susi...
skripsilo dibikin deskriptif sama dia. jangan mau lagi teee.... nanti thesis s2 juga gitu lagi....
bukan bu susi... bu retno. oma lo tuh! :-p
enak aja deskriptif! kl deskriptif mana bisa dapet A? baca bab 4 nya dong... bab 3 deskriptif, bab 4 analisis. sengaja gw bikin gitu biar lebih gampang ngerjainnya. soalnya kl gue campur itu isi bab 4 (novel) dan bab 5 (film) jadi satu bab, bisa mabok gw ngerjainnya... malah gak bisa mikir sistematis gw ntar...
kl blh jujur yah. emang gw kurang puas juga sih. harusnya gw lanjutin lagi tuh penelitiannya ke sequel-sequel yg dibilang bu mel, biar tuntas sekalian sampe orgasme... hehehe
yg dibikin deskriptif sama bu susi tuh skripsinya jame. sayang tuh, padahal premisnya udah bagus. bu susi sih nggak ngasi banyak insight ke gue juga kok kecuali ralat penggunaan bahasa :-p
ooohhh..klo oma retno pasti lagi mood aja, ngomong gitu, coba tanya dua kali, pasti ngomongnya beda...hehehe...
my grandma is magical. Love her...
gue udah baca: analisisnya juga deskriptif--no hard feelings--
tau deh yg skripsinya dasyat :-p
oma lo smakin ajaib, nos..
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