Climbing Mt. Sinai (Part II of the blog)

the highest peak! At last I'm there!
The beauty is beyond words can tell...
On the top of mt.Sinai, the Moslem, Christian, and Jews share the place together, praying in their own way of beliefs. Separated, but magically united by the atmosphere. I can hear the Ukrainian orthodoxes people singing such a heavenly song in a choir. People talk and pray in their own language, and move in their own religious cultures. It's not just the beauty of Mt.Sinai who captured my heart, it's everything. the harmony. the soul of all the diversity that merge there. At that moment, I know that God doesn't speak in a certain language, a certain faith, or a certain religious culture. God speaks in a divine beauty of the diverse nature, and we're all part of it.
These are all the picture I got. The battery of my camera was low. Please mind me, and I'm not a professional photographer.
nicee moods.., brapa meter tingginya mt.sinai yaa?
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