Social Climber
Hmmm, kasihan sekali gue ngeliatnya. They would do anything to be social divas. It includes borrowing their friends' outfit, spending their parents money till their folks drop, and consuming every alien substance into their body.
Ada temen gue, dia anak orang kaya yang sangat dimanja ortunya. Sepertinya dia gak begitu butuh duit deh, jadi kerjaan yg dia cari adalah kerjaan2 yang bisa menaikkan namanya di lingkungan sosialnya dia. Perusahaan tmpt dia bekerja memperlakukan dia seperti budak, dikasih kerjaan bertubi-tubi dengan bayaran yang "tegaan". Tapi dia seneng2 aja tuh, karena "lingkungan" tempat dia bekerja termasuk lingkungan bergengsi dalam pergaulan ibukota... whehehe. Segitunya yah?
Is it really THAT big? Is it really matters? All the glitz you wear and all the hips that soothes you... I mean... being a so-called social diva in such a scene? is it really such an achievement?
I don't mind working in a very "cupu" affiliation. I don't care about the prestige. I just care about how much money I would make and the opportunity of improving my skills and sharing it to others.
So, instead of going to the office wearing the hippest coolest trendiest fashion as a hippest coolest trendiest fashionista in a so-called cool company, meeting loads and loads of cool and famous people, I'd rather deal with those dull formal skirts and blouses and deal with naive university freshmen.
No offense, social climbers...
Ada temen gue, dia anak orang kaya yang sangat dimanja ortunya. Sepertinya dia gak begitu butuh duit deh, jadi kerjaan yg dia cari adalah kerjaan2 yang bisa menaikkan namanya di lingkungan sosialnya dia. Perusahaan tmpt dia bekerja memperlakukan dia seperti budak, dikasih kerjaan bertubi-tubi dengan bayaran yang "tegaan". Tapi dia seneng2 aja tuh, karena "lingkungan" tempat dia bekerja termasuk lingkungan bergengsi dalam pergaulan ibukota... whehehe. Segitunya yah?
Is it really THAT big? Is it really matters? All the glitz you wear and all the hips that soothes you... I mean... being a so-called social diva in such a scene? is it really such an achievement?
I don't mind working in a very "cupu" affiliation. I don't care about the prestige. I just care about how much money I would make and the opportunity of improving my skills and sharing it to others.
So, instead of going to the office wearing the hippest coolest trendiest fashion as a hippest coolest trendiest fashionista in a so-called cool company, meeting loads and loads of cool and famous people, I'd rather deal with those dull formal skirts and blouses and deal with naive university freshmen.
No offense, social climbers...
Labels: blog
makanya, add yahoo messenger baru gue dulu baru bilang fashionista...heuhehuhe.
heh, emg ym lama loe knp?
hohoho...betapa jkt dipenuhi hal-hal/orang2 seperti itu.
dan orang2 seperti itu, menguntungkan para pengusaha, yang memang maunya membayar murah. karena mereka tau banyak yang mau kerja di sana demi gengsi. akibatnya, kasian mereka yang bener2 pengen kerja buat cari duit.
haha. bener bgt. dasar kapitalis...
Iya...dasar kapitalis!!! (menghardik sambil makan McD dan minum Starbucks)
iya ih kesian yah.. padahal 10 taun dari sekarang they're gonna realize that it's worthless dan ga akan ngaruh apa2..
tapi social climber banyak juga loh di scene "indie-indie-an". heuhue.. berusaha melakukan apa aja supaya 'dianggap' di scene itu. kesian amat.. like it matters anyway..
iya.. huh... kapitalis... (menyeruput coca cola)
eh, bagi dong kentangnya (nyolong kentang goreng McD di piring Faesal)
haha. inilah yg menginspirasikan gw atas blog entry ini, tentunya di tambah beberapa percakapan dgn bf... :-p
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