A Confession for Ex-Boyfriends...
Dear all my ex-boyfriends...
Hello all..
Suddenly I miss u guys. So how's life? I heard one of you has just graduated and engaged, ready for settling down coz you've already met the girl of your dream. One of you now living abroad, and most probably you will never return to Indonesia (hope that I'm wrong). One of you has just finished your TKA, and now climbing up the entertainment career as a musician, well done. Some of you have another relationship with another girl... and so on, and so on. Some of you have changed, someof you remain the same.
Mine? Well... sometimes I stepped the wrong path, yet I never regret my desicion. I've met another guy, and another one, and another one, and so on... I thougt it would work out sometimes, but it doesn't. I'm still here now. Single and damn happy. Dreaming the same dream, hoping the same thing, believe in the same divine being. I once hated you guys, but no, I never meant it. I love you guys no matter how bad you guys treated me long time ago. I realized that I was -most of the times- a bad girlfriend. But I swear, I never cheated! Not even once! Well... Sometimes I have one or two "teman-tapi-mesra" during hard times but I always return to you again. What makes our relationship doesn't work is just that "we weren't meant for each other", that's all. I am still searching for my inner peace, I am still trying to tame my mind, I am still trying to be the bestfriend of myself. Sorry for the past that I've dissapointed you guys most of the times, and I also forgive you guys for dissapointing me. Phew... it was loong loong time ago.
I just want you guys to know that... I'll always love you!!! It's do damn cliche, but that's from the heart. No matter haw bad our experiences together, I am thankful for that. Coz every moment we've shared together, every laughter, every smile, every tear, and every pain... form me into what I am now. Every bad experience makes me a thougher girl than ever, every sweet experience makes me a more thankful person than ever. Everything, makes me a better person. Thankyou. And I love you all for that. I miss you guys too... Please keep in touch.
Hello all..
Suddenly I miss u guys. So how's life? I heard one of you has just graduated and engaged, ready for settling down coz you've already met the girl of your dream. One of you now living abroad, and most probably you will never return to Indonesia (hope that I'm wrong). One of you has just finished your TKA, and now climbing up the entertainment career as a musician, well done. Some of you have another relationship with another girl... and so on, and so on. Some of you have changed, someof you remain the same.
Mine? Well... sometimes I stepped the wrong path, yet I never regret my desicion. I've met another guy, and another one, and another one, and so on... I thougt it would work out sometimes, but it doesn't. I'm still here now. Single and damn happy. Dreaming the same dream, hoping the same thing, believe in the same divine being. I once hated you guys, but no, I never meant it. I love you guys no matter how bad you guys treated me long time ago. I realized that I was -most of the times- a bad girlfriend. But I swear, I never cheated! Not even once! Well... Sometimes I have one or two "teman-tapi-mesra" during hard times but I always return to you again. What makes our relationship doesn't work is just that "we weren't meant for each other", that's all. I am still searching for my inner peace, I am still trying to tame my mind, I am still trying to be the bestfriend of myself. Sorry for the past that I've dissapointed you guys most of the times, and I also forgive you guys for dissapointing me. Phew... it was loong loong time ago.
I just want you guys to know that... I'll always love you!!! It's do damn cliche, but that's from the heart. No matter haw bad our experiences together, I am thankful for that. Coz every moment we've shared together, every laughter, every smile, every tear, and every pain... form me into what I am now. Every bad experience makes me a thougher girl than ever, every sweet experience makes me a more thankful person than ever. Everything, makes me a better person. Thankyou. And I love you all for that. I miss you guys too... Please keep in touch.
Weew.. seems very honest, and the part about mentioning the exs, thought that was fun.
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