Lightweight traveling tips for women!
Do not wear bra!
I will always be the virgin-prostitute, the perverse angel, the two-faced sinister and saintly woman ... Life is not rational; it is just mad and full of pain. Do not seek the because - in love there is no because, no reason, no explanation, no solutions. You are a sexual angel, but you're an angel just the same. You are a narcissist. That is the raison d'etre of the journal. Journal writing is a disease. But it's all right. It's very interesting. - Anais Nin
8 Comments: affects the space in your suitcase ya..
works for me. :)
ketua komunitas sugenaki (susu segede nasi kentaki) :p
bener banget bul. gue paling benci nge pak beha. menuh-menuhin. Mana backpack gw kecil pula...!!!
good for you!
ketua komunitas sugetepol (susu segede telor ceplok)
I like this tip. Effective.
Pake beha itu aaaah ga bebas :p
Ketua komunitas sugemebu (susu segede melon bulat)
hahahaha.......lumayan ya ngurangin space backpacknya.......
i'll do that on my next traveling....
hahahaha.......lumayan ya ngurangin space backpacknya.......
i'll do that on my next traveling....
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