Monday, June 16, 2008

I bought myself a trophy...

About a week ago... I bought myself a trophy of all my hard-f*ckin-work for all these 6 months of double job. Yes, finally after a long looong loooooong plin-plan consideration (ASUS eee PC or Compact or A-note or Kohjinsha or axio or mac or....???), I decided to buy the brand new HP2133 mini-note... Yaaaaayyyy...... What good about it was, I cancelled my willingness to borrow some of my mom's money since I managed to save more cash to buy this lovely laptop (She _my mom_ intended to help me buying my new laptop as my belated birthday gift. now since I bought this laptop using my own money, she let me use her visa card to buy a book at, thanks mom!)

Finally, a trophy for my stressful days and sleepless nights! I am officially drop-dead broke right now but it's okay... it's time for me to gather more money for my next journey... hopefully thailand, or at least pulau komodo... with mini laptop now in hands, i can record everything I've experienced in words...

btw... got great service from!



Anonymous Adit ting2 said...

hihihi....akhirnya ya ther...:D

Monday, June 16, 2008  
Anonymous Otis Almatsier said...

Fotonya doonk.. Kayak apa sih trophy-nya ;-D

Tuesday, June 17, 2008  
Anonymous Thera Paramehta said...

iya ting... akhirnya... hiks... terharu... makasih yah udah ngasih macem2 saran...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008  
Anonymous Thera Paramehta said...

kan itu kukasih link ;-)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008  
Anonymous elis widen said...

bwhahahah, sales nya bhineka yaaa :))
*congrats for your new HP mini note...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008  
Anonymous tika as lowquacity underciter said...

i know that feeling of contented broke-ness... when you got no money left from your purchase, yet you're smiling.... smirking even. just drained me pockets, yet i am all giddy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008  
Anonymous Thera Paramehta said...

just browse the cute stuffs! any other well-trusted shopping website u'd like to recommend?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008  

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