It's hard to find a better one...
Tired of having most my closest people complaining about my lousy long hours job, I've been trying to find a new one. Loads of reporter/writer vacancies out there in the jungle, but nothing appeal me yet. Vacancy for reporter on an unknown business magazine, urgently needed senior editor for another uninteresting economy and business publication, a dated cutting edge politics reporters vacancy, a vacancy for an interesting daily newspaper which (unfortunately) based in Pontianak, another fashion editor vacancy for a so called celebrated lifestyle magazine which want their employee to have a play-hard-party-hard cultura, vacancy for reporter for a poor written daily online media, vacant position in the post of reporter in a so-called “ABG” magazine, and so on... I stopped until I finally tired of searching the web.
Giving it a second thought of what I have now, despite its lousy working system, it’s actually a good start for me. First of all, the working area is very very well-located! For such a laid-back person like me, no other place is a better place to work than Kemang! Browsing all the journalism vacancies in the net, all I can find are vacancies around Sudirman, Mampang, Kuningan, Rasuna, etc. They are actually okay, but giving it a thought, Kemang is much, MUCH, a better place to work
More importantly, as in the matter of what to be written in the media, it is exactly what I have been looking for all my life: writing about travel and culture.
And yes, beyond of all that, the networking is amazing! A meeting with Soendari Soekotjo, a long hour chit-chat with Putu Wijaya, and soon to be arranged_ in depth interview with the reason why I wannabe a writer: Ayu Utami…
Yes, every job is a two-sided-coin. Instead of dreaming to get a better one, trying to steal a piece of neighbour’s greener grass, I’ll start to look at the good side of the coin. (At least until I really REALLY find a better one, like the one I just found recently which _unfortunately_ has no vacant position. It’ll be no harm to send a resume and sample writings while waiting, isn’t it?)
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