One Of My Goals in Life
Today's activities:
10:00 AM - 12:20 PM : Jakarta School's session
Geez... it's easy to publish your own book but hard to distribute it. Pertama2 dibuka dengan pengenalan tentang penerbit GagasMedia dari seseorang yg gue lupa namanya siapa. Ya gitu-gitu aja sih... ngga terlalu surprised waktu denger penulis cuma dapet 10% dari harga buku yang dijual, tp gw bener2 kaget waktu denger kalo 35% itu masuk ke kantong toko buku (buset deh...) kalo bisa nawar sampe 35% aja udah bagus katanya, tapi emang bener jualan buku itu lebih susah dari pada nerbitin. Pantesan harga buku mahal bgt, toko buku ngga kira2 ngambil jatahnya. And the writer only got 10% from each book sold. Honor diambil tiap 6 bulan sekali. Misalnya... harga bukunya Rp 30000 pwnulis cuma dapet Rp 3000, kalo oplah cetaknya 3000 (minimal) kejual semua jadi dia dapet Rp 9.000.000 (Itu kalo kejual semua loh.. kalo ga laku ya udah deh). Sementara Rp 30000 harga buku itu biasanya 20% biaya produksi (jadi biaya produksinya cuma Rp 6000) Sisanya? Buat toko buku dan penerbit dan promosi dan lain-lain. No wonder a lot of people think twice to be a proffesional writer. Pembeli buku di Indonesia emang udah banyak, tapi mungkin ini sebabnya penulis masih dianggap kerjaan yang belum cukup buat ngasih makan anak istri. Kasian juga yah... Only some people whose really good at writing managed to survive in the jungle of writing world.
1:15 PM - 2:40 PM : To Labschool
Ngambil "uang jajan" from being a debate adjudicator. Rp 20000 per round, not bad actually. Tadinya mao stay sampe semi final, tapi ternyata motionnya echonomy and it's like the most boring motion ever in my entire life (coz I don't give a shit about echonomy!!! not interested, don't know anything about it, and no thankyou!!! hahaha.. Life is more than just money or counting other's money... at least that what I think)
Feeing extremely tired, than me and my driver headed home (I was with my driver coz I used my cousin's car. No power steering! So mom told me to go with Mas Heri :P)
Arrived at home and had a lunch right ahead at 3:00 PM
Wacthing half of 'Final Cut', a movie about inplant in your eye so that everything you saw in life can be recorded. The story about life, quite good but I haven't watch it all so it was too early to judge. Starring Robbie Williams (His role in this movie was like in 'One Hour Photo', he's a real good actor)
At 4 PM, mom asked me to go with her to the mall nearby, but I refused coz I'm tired! Very!
Then I took a nap and woke up at 7:30 PM (My mom told me that three and a half hours isn't a nap, it was a long sleep! Heehee...)
And then here I am, got nothing to do and being victimized of the cyber world. Never think I'm gonna be turn out this way... a cyber nerd... hohoho
Ahem, ngeliat prospek ke depannya GagasMedia kanyanya ga cocok sama tulisan gw. Dari gaya bercovernya aja gw udah tau, chick lit (or should I say; shick lit?) abeeez! Hahaha... Gw malah kepikiran buat nerbitin sendiri, distribusiin sendiri (Kan seru tuh kalo distribusiinnya bukan ke toko buku tapi ke distro2 outlet instead? hahaha... Kaset aja bisa knapa buku nggak?) Terus I do my own cover designing, or at least I choose the designer coz designer from the major publisher sucks! Design covernya surrealis gothic gituh... ahhh... Malah kepikiran ide gila lagi kalo dikasih bonus CD soundtrack!!! Wuih... keren ga tuh :D? Kata mereka yg berkutat di dunia musik indielabel sih keren2 aja.. hehehe.. siapa tau mereka mao buatin soundtracknya :D. Ahhh... ngayal emang enak yah... ngerealisasiin itu yg susah... But if I just know the right guy to be work with sih pasti seru2 aja. Di pikiran gw sekarang yg ada cuma ini sih. Publish, publish, publish. It's like my dream ever... one of my goals in life. I have to publish my novel someday. Yea.. someday... But I should finish it first... it's in progress now... dan udah 30% lah.. lumayan.
10:00 AM - 12:20 PM : Jakarta School's session
Geez... it's easy to publish your own book but hard to distribute it. Pertama2 dibuka dengan pengenalan tentang penerbit GagasMedia dari seseorang yg gue lupa namanya siapa. Ya gitu-gitu aja sih... ngga terlalu surprised waktu denger penulis cuma dapet 10% dari harga buku yang dijual, tp gw bener2 kaget waktu denger kalo 35% itu masuk ke kantong toko buku (buset deh...) kalo bisa nawar sampe 35% aja udah bagus katanya, tapi emang bener jualan buku itu lebih susah dari pada nerbitin. Pantesan harga buku mahal bgt, toko buku ngga kira2 ngambil jatahnya. And the writer only got 10% from each book sold. Honor diambil tiap 6 bulan sekali. Misalnya... harga bukunya Rp 30000 pwnulis cuma dapet Rp 3000, kalo oplah cetaknya 3000 (minimal) kejual semua jadi dia dapet Rp 9.000.000 (Itu kalo kejual semua loh.. kalo ga laku ya udah deh). Sementara Rp 30000 harga buku itu biasanya 20% biaya produksi (jadi biaya produksinya cuma Rp 6000) Sisanya? Buat toko buku dan penerbit dan promosi dan lain-lain. No wonder a lot of people think twice to be a proffesional writer. Pembeli buku di Indonesia emang udah banyak, tapi mungkin ini sebabnya penulis masih dianggap kerjaan yang belum cukup buat ngasih makan anak istri. Kasian juga yah... Only some people whose really good at writing managed to survive in the jungle of writing world.
1:15 PM - 2:40 PM : To Labschool
Ngambil "uang jajan" from being a debate adjudicator. Rp 20000 per round, not bad actually. Tadinya mao stay sampe semi final, tapi ternyata motionnya echonomy and it's like the most boring motion ever in my entire life (coz I don't give a shit about echonomy!!! not interested, don't know anything about it, and no thankyou!!! hahaha.. Life is more than just money or counting other's money... at least that what I think)
Feeing extremely tired, than me and my driver headed home (I was with my driver coz I used my cousin's car. No power steering! So mom told me to go with Mas Heri :P)
Arrived at home and had a lunch right ahead at 3:00 PM
Wacthing half of 'Final Cut', a movie about inplant in your eye so that everything you saw in life can be recorded. The story about life, quite good but I haven't watch it all so it was too early to judge. Starring Robbie Williams (His role in this movie was like in 'One Hour Photo', he's a real good actor)
At 4 PM, mom asked me to go with her to the mall nearby, but I refused coz I'm tired! Very!
Then I took a nap and woke up at 7:30 PM (My mom told me that three and a half hours isn't a nap, it was a long sleep! Heehee...)
And then here I am, got nothing to do and being victimized of the cyber world. Never think I'm gonna be turn out this way... a cyber nerd... hohoho
Ahem, ngeliat prospek ke depannya GagasMedia kanyanya ga cocok sama tulisan gw. Dari gaya bercovernya aja gw udah tau, chick lit (or should I say; shick lit?) abeeez! Hahaha... Gw malah kepikiran buat nerbitin sendiri, distribusiin sendiri (Kan seru tuh kalo distribusiinnya bukan ke toko buku tapi ke distro2 outlet instead? hahaha... Kaset aja bisa knapa buku nggak?) Terus I do my own cover designing, or at least I choose the designer coz designer from the major publisher sucks! Design covernya surrealis gothic gituh... ahhh... Malah kepikiran ide gila lagi kalo dikasih bonus CD soundtrack!!! Wuih... keren ga tuh :D? Kata mereka yg berkutat di dunia musik indielabel sih keren2 aja.. hehehe.. siapa tau mereka mao buatin soundtracknya :D. Ahhh... ngayal emang enak yah... ngerealisasiin itu yg susah... But if I just know the right guy to be work with sih pasti seru2 aja. Di pikiran gw sekarang yg ada cuma ini sih. Publish, publish, publish. It's like my dream ever... one of my goals in life. I have to publish my novel someday. Yea.. someday... But I should finish it first... it's in progress now... dan udah 30% lah.. lumayan.
Publish di indie label trus distribute lewat toko buku yg indie2 aja. . aksara kan byasanya nerima tu. . klo gak ya mouth to mouth and hand to hand distribution aja ther! wish u success! gud luck on the novels. . heheheh. . check my blog at kay?! :p
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