Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
Damn... Life's a bitch and then you die. Damn... Cume itu yg melintas di kepala gw saat ini. Cuma itu. Apalagi setelah gw liat kenyataan, kalo hal yg gw mimpiin itu ga akan pernah dateng, ga akan pernah kembali dalem hidup gw. Life can be sucks and so does love.
Dan pada akhirnya gw mengakhiri masa remaja.. *cuih!* Hix hix.. I'm in the early 20's rite now... I know that I should be happy, but what can I say? I have little faith in love rite now and that is the thing inside my head in my early 20's. How can I enjoy my life when I have this kind of stupid feeling?
Yasudah... yasudah.. I have no power to change it. All I can do is just waiting and waiting and waiting for grat things to happen. Damn. Kata orang hidup itu kaya roda; kadang di atas, kadang di bawah. Menurut gw sebenernya itu adalah salah satu filosofi hidup paling basi yg pernah ada, tp kl emang bener... mungkin hidup gw udah melewati masa 'diatas'nya dan kembali ke bawah lagi. Then my life is flat... Flat as a dirty roof does. Damn.
Satu2nya hal yg menghibur gw blakangan ini adalah movies... and the creative writing scholarship from gagasmedia of course. Satu film yg blom lama gw tonton adl "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", yg main Jim Carey and Kate Winslet. Jim Carey lumayan jg, tp mungkin bakal lebih keren kalo yg meranin dia hmm.... Jude Law? (noo no no.. terlalu ganteng...) Yaudah.. Jim Carey was fine, I know! Ewan McGregor!!! Theeheehee. Ceritanya tentang seseorang yg pergi ke sebuah klinik untuk menghapus memorinya tentang mantan pacarnya, terus filmnya ngambil adegan keadaan di dalem otaknya dia, dia berusaha kabur dari tindakan para dokter yg menghapus memorinya (Reminds me of the novel 'Sophie's World', when Sophie ran out from the writer's mind). Damn.. indah bgt, THAT's such a movie I would remember for the rest of my life, pas bgt buat org yg abis putus cinta (like me.. thehehee). Akhirnya nonton sendiri aja yah biar endingnya di'rasa' sendiri. Yg pasti sih there are this line that keeps echoing inside my mind;
"You can erase someone from your memory, but erasing them from your heart is another story"
Untuk gw yg keadaannya sedang 'seperti ini' (ya.. u know lah...) that lines kinda help me... even though I relized I don't want just a memory, what I want is a love that will last (kaya lirik lagu...) Karena sebelom gw nonton film ini, dan ketika gw sedang kritis2nya, gw sempet berpikir; "If I could.. I would erase him from my memory. Maybe my life could be better". Sekarang gw sadar.. thanks to Jim Carey and Kate Winslet, maybe I could erase him from my memory as soon as possible, but from the heart? Only God can tell...
Dan pada akhirnya gw mengakhiri masa remaja.. *cuih!* Hix hix.. I'm in the early 20's rite now... I know that I should be happy, but what can I say? I have little faith in love rite now and that is the thing inside my head in my early 20's. How can I enjoy my life when I have this kind of stupid feeling?
Yasudah... yasudah.. I have no power to change it. All I can do is just waiting and waiting and waiting for grat things to happen. Damn. Kata orang hidup itu kaya roda; kadang di atas, kadang di bawah. Menurut gw sebenernya itu adalah salah satu filosofi hidup paling basi yg pernah ada, tp kl emang bener... mungkin hidup gw udah melewati masa 'diatas'nya dan kembali ke bawah lagi. Then my life is flat... Flat as a dirty roof does. Damn.
Satu2nya hal yg menghibur gw blakangan ini adalah movies... and the creative writing scholarship from gagasmedia of course. Satu film yg blom lama gw tonton adl "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", yg main Jim Carey and Kate Winslet. Jim Carey lumayan jg, tp mungkin bakal lebih keren kalo yg meranin dia hmm.... Jude Law? (noo no no.. terlalu ganteng...) Yaudah.. Jim Carey was fine, I know! Ewan McGregor!!! Theeheehee. Ceritanya tentang seseorang yg pergi ke sebuah klinik untuk menghapus memorinya tentang mantan pacarnya, terus filmnya ngambil adegan keadaan di dalem otaknya dia, dia berusaha kabur dari tindakan para dokter yg menghapus memorinya (Reminds me of the novel 'Sophie's World', when Sophie ran out from the writer's mind). Damn.. indah bgt, THAT's such a movie I would remember for the rest of my life, pas bgt buat org yg abis putus cinta (like me.. thehehee). Akhirnya nonton sendiri aja yah biar endingnya di'rasa' sendiri. Yg pasti sih there are this line that keeps echoing inside my mind;
"You can erase someone from your memory, but erasing them from your heart is another story"
Untuk gw yg keadaannya sedang 'seperti ini' (ya.. u know lah...) that lines kinda help me... even though I relized I don't want just a memory, what I want is a love that will last (kaya lirik lagu...) Karena sebelom gw nonton film ini, dan ketika gw sedang kritis2nya, gw sempet berpikir; "If I could.. I would erase him from my memory. Maybe my life could be better". Sekarang gw sadar.. thanks to Jim Carey and Kate Winslet, maybe I could erase him from my memory as soon as possible, but from the heart? Only God can tell...
Waw... tha story you'd written just tha same of mine. And it seems we've watched the same movie in tha same situation. Yeah... aq like bgt wkt JIM sadar he's doing the wrong way to erase his girlfriend & bgm mereka kejar2an ma si DOKTER "cacat" tuh. Aq jg suka ma kirsten dunst (what a body...!!) oops.. sorry, lost concentration. Tapi aq plng ga suka ma ending film. Just to say "OK" mereka bs baekan lagi. Bener2x ga sesuai ma kenyataan. SIALAN!!! Dasar Hollywood!!!
I know what you feel in the present day, cause i feel it 2.
CU my solitude friend.....
jumpa lagi in the next movie...
mungkin lebih baik dari ini...
Gw bilang sih hidup memang seperti roda tapi bukan kadang di ats kadang di bawah. itu adalah kebohongan yang diakui banyak orang (except some people). Seperti roda begini maksudnya
Roda mempunyai ruji-ruji/ jari-jari dari tengah ke luar lalu membentuk lingkaran. Masing masing ruji itu adalah kriteria dalam hidup klo ga salah ada
1 karir
2 finansial
3 health
4 keluarga dan relationship
5 Rohani
mungkin ada lagi gw lupa. Semua ruji ini mesti sama besar agar jalan kehidupan tidak jeduk2jedukan karena bedanya ukuran ruji sehingg tidak bulat bentuknya dan berjalan berantakan.
Semakin besarnya salah satu ruji harus diikuti ruji-ruji lain. Semakin besar ruji-ruji berari semakin besar berjalannya hidup dengan maksud semakin berarti hidup itu
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